Packages Installed

  • UmbracoCms.IdentityExtensions
  • UmbracoCms.IdentityExtensions.AzureActiveDirectory

Files Deleted

Delete any owin startup and AD extension files that the UmbracoCms.IdentityExtensions may add

Files Added


  • ActiveDirectoryComponent (Hooks into the Umbraco Middleware)
  • FrontEndActiveDirectoryExtensions (Handles all front end logic for hooking into the active directory)
  • Startup Composer (Registers the ActiveDirectoryComponent and sets our CustomRenderMvcController)
  • UmbracoADAuthExtensions (Handles all the backend logic for hooking into the active directory)


  • ActiveDirectoryAuthorizeAttribute (Forces the user to login to Active Directory)


  • CustomRenderMvcController (Our custom base controller, that simply has the ActiveDirectoryAuthorizeAttribute)

Changes to web.config

  • Add the following keys so the Azure Active Directory can actually connect with the application
  • Set authentication mode to none (example below) so that when not authorized they don't return to a 404 page