
Merges, Compiles, Generates Docs, Creates Inheritance Flowcharts, and Visualize Functions. :palm_tree:

Primary LanguageMakefileOtherNOASSERTION

Ethereum Contract Tools


Node 8+ Solc (solidity compiler) Solgraph (npm install -g solgraph)


npm install



Type the following command into your terminal replacing the parameters:

  • directory with the directory containing the .sol file (e.g. contracts/somecontractdir)
  • contractname with the contract filename (minus '.sol')
make specs dir="directory" contract="contractname"


The above command will output the following:

  • flattened contract using sol-merger saved in build/merged/contractname/
  • compiled contract saved in build/compiled/contractname/
  • markdown documentation using solmd saved in build/markdocs/contractname.md
  • graph of contract functions using solgraph saved to build/solgraphs/contractname.png


make specs dir="contracts/examples" contract="SimpleToken"

produces the files currently in the subdirectories of build/

Example solgraph solgraph


NOTE: this will remove all files within the build directory and recreate the required subdirectories within the build dir

npm run cleanup

Further Experimental Features

The following features are available using MakeFile
Please Note: the features in the following section are working as they should be but should still be considered a work in progress.

Make GraphDepends

Example Usage - All Contracts
make graphdepends

Example Usage - Contracts Subdirectory
make graphdepends directory="token"

directory = ./contracts/directory/
output file location in ./build/directory_flow.png



Make Merged

Combines contract imports into a single Solidity file using sol-merger

Example Usage: make merged dir="crowdsale" contract="CappedCrowdsale"

  • Specify the contract name and directory containing the contract.
  • dir = subdirectory within contracts directory (optional)
  • contract = contract to be flattened

output file saved to build/merged/contract/

$(shell pwd -P)/node_modules/.bin/sol-merger $(shell pwd -P)/contracts/$(dir)/$(contract).sol $(shell pwd -P)/build/merged/$(contract)

or just merge all of them...

Make Mergeall

The same as Make Merged except it is recursive for the selected directory.

Example Usage: make mergeall dir="tokens"

  • ./contracts/dir/
  • dir = subdirectory within contracts directory (optional)

output files saved to build/merged/

$(shell pwd -P)/node_modules/sol-merger/bin/sol-merger.js "$(shell pwd -P)/contracts/$(dir)/*.sol" build/merged/$(dir)

Make Solgraph

Graph Single Contract as .PNG using Solgraph

Example Usage: make graphpng dir="crowdsale" contract="CappedCrowdsale"

  • ./contracts/dir/contract
  • dir = subdirectory within contracts directory (optional)
  • contract = contract name to create Solgraph

output file saved to ./build/solgraphs/contract/

$(shell pwd -P)/node_modules/.bin/solgraph $(shell pwd -P)/contracts/$(dir)/$(contract).sol | dot -Tpng > $(shell pwd -P)/build/temp/$(contract).png

cp $(shell pwd -P)/build/temp/$(contract).png $(shell pwd -P)/build/solgraphs/$(contract).png

rm $(shell pwd -P)/build/temp/$(contract).png

Make Treemap

documentation coming soon

make treespec

documentation coming soon


If something isn't working, you have a question, or you need assistance, please feel free to open an issue.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
