- John Roberts
- Clarence Thomas
- Samuel Alito
- Sonia Sotomayor
- Elena Kagan
- Neil Gorsuch
- Brett Kavanaugh
- Amy Coney Barrett
- Ketanji Brown Jackson
re-do opinions to have a folder for each justice?
Goal: predict the arguments and/or opinions of each justice is specific scenarios. Include how they would vote as well.
- would need to use Stateful RNN?
- Long Short-Term Memory
- Grated Recurrent Unit
- Transormer Models - BERT - GPT
- Sequence-to-sequence models
oral arguments
scotus db:
Glossary: Decision Type
- decrees
- equally divided vote
- judgment of the Court (orally argued)
- opinion of the court (orally argued)
- per curiam (no oral argument)
- per curiam (orally argued)
- seriatim
- certiorari
- special concurrence
- remanded
- voted with majority or plurality
- dissent
- regular concurrence
- special concurrence
- judgment of the Court
- dissent from a denial or dismissal of certiorari , or dissent from summary affirmation of an appeal
- jurisdictional dissent
- justice participated in an equally divided vote
- justice wrote no opinion
- justice wrote an opinion
- justice co-authored an opinion
- conservative
- liberal
- dissent
- majority
- no favorable disposition for petitioning party apparent
- petitioning party received a favorable disposition
- favorable disposition for petitioning party unclear
- stay, petition, or motion granted
- affirmed (includes modified)
- reversed
- reversed and remanded
- vacated and remanded
- affirmed and reversed (or vacated) in part
- affirmed and reversed (or vacated) in part and remanded
- vacated
- petition denied or appeal dismissed
- certification to or from a lower court
- no disposition
- no declaration of unconstitutionality
- act of congress declared unconstitutional
- state or territorial law, reg, or const provision unconstitutional
- municipal or other local ordinance unconstitutional
- no determinable alteration of precedent
- precedent altered