
An implementation of JAX core based on Autodidax.

Primary LanguagePython

JAX Core


  • Evaluate
  • Jacobian-Vector Product (jvp)
  • Vectorization (vmap)
  • Dynamic tracing (make_jaxpr)
  • Just-in-Time Compilation (jit)



y = 2.0 * adx.sin(3.0)
  1. adx.sin intercepts the argument (3.0) and passes it to bind.
  2. bind does the following:
  3. Selects a trace T based on a tracer's main trace (i.e. interpreter) levels.
  4. Wrap arguments into tracers of T.
  5. Apply T's interpretation rule of the primitive (in this case, sin), which outputs Q.
  6. Unwrap tracers Q into values.