
A final project demo for my CIS4110 Security course. I was able to demonstrate the ability to access the linux utils residing on android OS and exploit various permissions. The demo was executed on an Asus Zenfone 3.

Primary LanguageJava

Abusive Permissions Application
Author: Ryan Lafferty
Target Platform: Android 6.0
Minimum Platform: Android 4.3

To build the following application you will have to import the 
AbusivePermissions directory as an existing project from within
the android studio application.
(Use File -> Open to open an existing project)

You will also need either an android device with USB debugging enabled
or an android virtual device setup with android 6.0 installed.
(This is where the built application will run)

Android Studio with default setup,
Andriod 6.0 SDK, Android NDK Tools

There are two ways you can run the application.

1) Import the AbusivePermissions directory as specified
above and attach a debugger such as an android virtual device 
or and android device with USB debugging enabled.

2) Install the application using the included app-debug.apk file,
this will require you to have a supported android device that allows
installtions from other sources.

File Permissions:
1) Use the create secret file button to create the secretFile.txt file.
2) Write any output that you would like to save in the text window.
3) Click the save button to save the contents of the text window
to the secreteFile.txt.
4) Click the copy file button to copy the file from the external directory
to the application's local directory (it's best to read the output statement
in the debuger to locate the local directory).

NDK Shell
1) Enter any input into the text field located above the button group.
2) Click the Java Shell button to execute the input in a java shell.
3) Click the JNI Shell button to execute the input using the NDK through
JNI, using a C Shell, this can bypass certain android security measures.

Enter "toybox help -a" to list the commands avaliable to the toybox
Enter "ls /system/bin" to list the system utilities in the bin directory
Enter "ls /system/xbin" to list the system utilities in the xbin directory

With the previous 3 commands you can list all of the system commands that you could potentially
have access to with maximum priviledges. 

Since google provides no documentation on these commands due to security purposes,
to figure out what commands you can utilize and how to utilize them; you will
have to experiment and poke around the android system.

Fortunately I did some research and pasted below will be a list of commands that are
avaliable in the android virtual device I had setup.

A full list of system utilities in the bin directory can be seen in the commands.txt file

More information about our research will be present in the paper that is submitted alongside
our demo.

 /*commands that work
    * netstat - show connections & streams
    * cal - output calendar
    * ps - show processes
    * vmstat - show jvm statistics
    * sleep - will sleep the phone
    * service list - list running services
    * rm - remove file
    * rmdir - remove directory
    * cp - copy file
    * mv - move file
    * cat - output contents of a file
    * touch - create file
    * monkey - create file (on some devices)
    * toybox - has a bunch of packaged system utilities
    * toybox help -a -> dump command list with usages
    * toybox nc -> netcat, can forge headers and create http requets with a lot of fiddling
    *              (probably better to just prompt the user for internet permission, they'll click yes anyways)
* */