• Phase 1: Queue API

    • To implement the queue, we decided to use a doubly linked list. This was to
      maintain the O(1) requirement for most operations. Using a linked list
      allowed for O(1) enqueueing and dequeueing that could be difficult with
      other data structures, and it matched the specifications perfectly.
      The queue structure contained a pointer to its first and last nodes as well
      as an int to track its length. The nodes of the queue contained a pointer
      to a thread (TCB) member as well as pointers to their next and previous

      typedef struct node_t {
      	void *value;
        struct node_t *next;
      	struct node_t *prev;
      } node_t;
      struct queue {
      	node_t *first;
      	node_t *last;
          int length;
    • To handle queue_create(), memory was simply allocated for the queue and if
      allocation failed, NULL was returned. Otherwise, the queue's nodes were
      initialized to NULL and its length to 0.

    • For enqueue(), cases in which the queue or data were NULL, malloc erred, the
      queue was empty, or the queue contained one or more nodes were accounted
      for. Most of the queue implementation involved basic pointer manipulations
      such as the following.

      	newNode->value = data;
          } else {
      		// one or more items in queue
          	newNode->next = NULL;
      	  newNode->prev = queue->last;
      	    queue->last->next = newNode;
          	queue->last = newNode;
          return 0;
    • In order to satisfy the condition of queue_length being O(1) in time
      complexity, queue length was simply incremented every time a node was
      enqueued and returned in the queue_length() function.

    • In the case of queue_delete(), the possibilities of the queue or data being
      NULL, the queue being empty, the data not being found, and the queue having
      contents to be deleted were handled. It compares the pointer addresses and
      deletes the appropriate node once the match is found.

    • For queue_destroy(), a simple check was made to determine whether the queue
      was not NULL or had a length of 0. If that held true, the queue was freed.

    • To take care of queue_iterate(), it was first determined whether the queue
      or function were NULL. If not, a pointer to the first node of the queue was
      instantiated to serve as the iterator through the queue. The iterator goes
      through each node, calling the function specified, and, depending on the
      return value of that function, receives the data or not.

    • The implementation of queue_dequeue() was very similar to that of
      queue_enqueue(). However, the use of a double pointer allowed us to save
      the address to data.

    • To test the queue, we created a test_queue.c file. This manipulated nodes
      in the queue. Each node consisted of two ints and two char pointers. Each
      queue function was tested using either assert statements, strcmp, or prints
      to stderr as shown below. Queue_iterate() was tested using the given code
      under the "Hints" heading of the project2.html page.

      assert(queue_destroy(NULL) == -1);
      assert(queue_enqueue(NULL, NULL) == -1);
      myData data1 = {1, 2, "Sevilla", "Bayern"};
        myData data2 = {0, 3, "Juventus", "Real Madrid"};
      queue_t testq = queue_create();
      void *data = NULL;
      assert(queue_dequeue(testq, &data) == -1); //must return -1 (empty)
      assert(queue_enqueue(testq, match1) == 0); // must return 0 (success)
        if (strcmp(ret->homeTeam, "Juventus") || strcmp(ret->awayTeam, "Real Madrid")) {
      	fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", "Incorrect item dequeued");
      int len = queue_length(testq);
      if (len != 6) {
      	fprintf(stderr, "%s", "Incorrect queue length");
  • Phase 2: Uthread API

    • To implement the TCB structure, we used six variables to keep track of the
      TID, context, stack pointer, state, return value, and the TID of the thread to
      be joined. The state was an integer with 0, 1, 2, and 3 signifying Running,
      Ready, Zombie, and Blocked states respectively.

      typedef struct {
      	uthread_t tid;
        uthread_ctx_t *context;
      	void *stackPtr;
        int state; // 0-Running, 1-Ready, 2-Zombie, 3-Blocked
       	int ret; // return value
      	int joinThd; // TID of the thread to be joined by (-1 if none)
      } TCB;
    • For ease of use in the subsequent functions specified, global variables the
      queue, TID, and a pointer to the current thread were declared. We also created
      a few utility functions as well. The function uthread_self() uses the global
      variable to easily identify the current thread's thread ID. The functions
      find_ready() and find_TCB() took advantage of the unique queue iteration
      mechanism we implemented in the first phase. When used with
      queue_iterate(), they will help locate the TCB based on a thread ID and the
      TCB of the first ready thread, respectively.

      /* Global variables */
      static queue_t queue = NULL;
      static uthread_t TID = 1; // defined in uthread.h
      static TCB *curr_TCB = NULL; // Ptr to current thread TCB
      /* Find a TCB with state 1-Ready */
      int find_ready(void *data, void *arg) {
      	TCB *ptr = (TCB*)data;
        if (ptr->state == 1)
        	return 1;
      	return 0;
    • The uthread_create() function is in charge of creating a new thread using the
      context API and enqueuing it as a ready thread. The context API simplifies
      the task considerably. We initialize the variables and allocate space for
      the stack and the context. The actual initialization of the execution
      context of the thread is also done by the context API. The following code
      snippet shows this process.

        //Create a user thread
      TCB *newThd = malloc(sizeof(TCB));
      newThd->tid = TID;
      newThd->state = 1; 
      newThd->joinThd = -1; // no thread to join to at the moment
      newThd->context = malloc(sizeof(uthread_ctx_t));
      newThd->stackPtr = uthread_ctx_alloc_stack();
      if (uthread_ctx_init(newThd->context, newThd->stackPtr, func, arg) != 0)
        	return -1;
      queue_enqueue(queue, newThd);
      TID++; // TID for next thread
    • In uthread_create(), when the queue is empty, our library recognizes that
      it is the first library call from the user. Therefore, we use a separate
      function initialize() to initalize the queue, the "main" thread, and the
      first user thread. This process is similar to a typical thread creation
      process described in uthread_create(). However, it is noteworthy that the
      "main" thread does not have to be initialized since it already has a stack.
      The preemption process, which we will describe in detail in Phase 4, also
      begins at the end of this function.

    • For uthread_exit(), the running thread's state is changed to Zombie, its
      return value is collected, and queue_delete() is called to remove the
      thread from the queue. Its resources, however, are not freed here because
      they may be collected by the thread it is joining to. At the end of the
      function, we make sure to unblock the thread it is planning to join to, if
      present. (This part is implemented in Phase 3).

    • In the function uthread_yield(), the current thread becomes ready unless it
      is blocked. This ensures that an unblocking of a thread can only be done
      when the child thread's execution exits. If the queue only contains one
      element ("main" thread) or if there is no more ready thread, we are done.
      Otherwise, we repeatedly enqueue and dequeue until we find the first ready
      thread. Once found, its state is switched to running and is placed at the
      end of the queue. We change the global variable for the current TCB
      accordingly and switch the context using a context API function.

    • We used the given files to test this phase.

  • Phase 3: uthread_join()

    • The uthread_join() function was created with the child joining the calling
      parent. It was first determined if the main thread could not be joined, if
      the TID was the same as the calling thread's, if the TID could not be found
      using queue_iterate(), and if the child was already being joined.
        TCB *child_thd = NULL;
        TCB *parent_thd = curr_TCB; // <=> calling thread
        uthread_t *childtid = &tid;
        // prelimiary checks & find child_thd based on tid
        if (tid == 0)
        	return -1; // main thread cannot be joined
        if (tid == uthread_self())
          	return -1; // tid is same as calling thd
        if (queue_iterate(queue, find_TCB, (void*)childtid, (void**)&child_thd) == 0) {
        	if (!child_thd)
        		return -1; // if tid cannot be found
        if (child_thd->joinThd != -1)
        	return -1;  // if child is already being joined
      Then, if the child was Ready or Running, the parent was blocked until the
      child died. If the child was dead, then its return value was collected and
      it was freed.
        while(1) {
        	if (child_thd->state == 0 || child_thd->state == 1) {
      		// If child is active, block parent until child dies
        		parent_thd->state = 3; // block 
        		child_thd->joinThd = uthread_self();
      	} else if (child_thd->state == 2) {
      		// Child now dead. Now collect and free
        		if (child_thd->ret)
        			*retval = child_thd->ret;
    • For testing, we created test_phase3.c. In this file, thread1 waits on
      thread2 to terminate and collect its return value using uthread_join().
      int thread2(void* arg) {
      	printf("thread 2 execution: returning value 5\n");
      	return 5;
      int thread1(void* arg) {
      	uthread_t tid;
      	int retval;
      	tid = uthread_create(thread2, NULL);
      	uthread_join(tid, &retval);
      	printf("thread 1 execution: waited and obtained return value %d from thread2\n", retval);
      	return 0;
      int main(void) {
      	uthread_t tid;
      	tid = uthread_create(thread1, NULL);
      	uthread_join(tid, NULL);
      	return 0;
  • Phase 4: Preemption

    • The forth phase mainly involved standard implementations of timed alarms and
      their handler. The function setitimer() sets an emission of the signal
      SIGVTALRM a hundred times per second. The function sigaction() handles
      these signals by calling a handler that simply calls uthread_yield(). The
      functions preempt_{enable,disable} are also simple implementations of
      signal blocking, following the GNU manual. This mechanism ensures that no
      one thread will hoard all resources and prevent other threads from

    • Preemption begins at the end of the function initialize(), which sets up the
      "main" thread and the first user thread. To prevent preemption from causing
      inconsistent program behaviors, we strictly disabled it in the yield process
      and the exit process. On the other hand, by inserting the function
      preempt_enable() in the bootstrap function, we made sure that preemption is
      active during the execution of threads.

    • We wrote a simple program called test_preempt.c to test this phase. Without
      preemption, this programs gets stuck in thread1's infinite loop, and thread2
      and thread3 are never executed. However, with preemption, although the
      program eventually gets trapped in the infinite loops, all two print
      statements from thread2 and thread3 are executed. This proves that threads
      are regularly being forced to yield due to our implementation of preemption.

      int thread3(void* arg) {
      	printf("thread3 execution\n");
      	return 0;
       int thread2(void* arg) {
      	printf("thread2 pause starting..\n");
        	return 0;
       int thread1(void* arg) {
      	uthread_create(thread2, NULL);
      	uthread_create(thread3, NULL);
        	return 0;
       int main(void) {
      	uthread_t tid;
      	tid = uthread_create(thread1, NULL);
          uthread_join(tid, NULL);
        return 0;
