Wagon Middleman Boilerplate
This project combines two solid web pipelines, middleman and Locomotive CMS (version 3). From the root of the project you will have access to both middleman to manipulate your project and wagon when you move it into the CMS pipeline.
- Ruby 2.2.0
Getting Started
Clone this project and move into the directory
$ git clone git@github.com:CreateTheBridge/wagon-middleman-boilerplate.git <New Project Name>
Set the origin to the repository to your new repository git remote set-url origin <new project git url>
or remove the origin entirely git remote rm origin
Now that your new project is ready, run the setup script. $ ./setup
Your project is now ready.
TODO: Need to add some documentation, for now just look at their documentation. https://locomotive-v3.readme.io
To interact with middleman, you need to use the middleman script located at the root of the project.
Start server $ ./middleman server
, or build middleman files and transfer them to wagon stack. $ ./middleman build
Building the middleman project will overwrite your wagon liquid templates. Make sure you finish development entirely before converting to wagon
The sitemap is automatically generated. Change the site URL in the file data/sitemap.yml
Using Javascript ES6
To use ES6, you need to specify that the javascript file is an ES6 file by including .es6 as the extension
Page-specific scripts and initialization contexts
For the best example of where you should put context-specific initialization code, please reference /assets/javascripts/pages/home.js.es6
//= require animations/header
$(document).ready(() => {
// Proto a blank array
let animations = [];
// Basic accessor function to check if we should run logic for this page
let isRelevent = () => {
return $(".home-page-container").length > 0;
// Build animation array
let initAnimations = () => {
// Construct all animations
animations = [
new HeaderAnimation()
// Start all animations
animations.forEach(anim => { anim.start(); });
if (isRelevent()) {
// Start off by constructing and playing animations
// When the window resizes, let's reset the animations so they look right
$(window).on('resize', () => {
console.log('window resized, reloading animations');
// Destroy all the animations
animations.forEach(anim => { anim.destroy(); });
// Re-construct the animations
Bower Components
To use bower components successfully, you need to include the path of the plugin in the config.rb so it will be loaded into the asset pipeline.
For instance, the path to GreenSock's timeline max is
To include this file, the directive would look like this
sprockets.append_path 'assets/bower_components/gsap/src/uncompressed'
In the application.js.es6
// require TimelineMax
Single page specific information
To register a new page, you must create the template at the path /sources/templates/{{filename}}.
After creating the template, you must register the page proxy in the config.rb
# TODO: Add any additional HTML pages here
page "/index.html", proxy: "/templates/index.html"
How to finalize a build
In the config.rb do the following:
- uncomment activate :favicon_maker
- uncomment activate :minify_css
- uncomment activate :minify_javascript
- uncomment activate :gzip
Confirm the following are correct on each pages data:
- title
- description
- keywords
- sitename
- url
Verify favicon template is in place:
- Favicon Maker will generate the favicons correctly, you need `favicon_template.png` in the source directory for this to work. Link declarations are defined in `source/partials/_link.haml`