A foundation for creating templates
This is a project I made learn about SSG with 11ty and templating with nunjucks.
This is a bare-bones eleventy implimintation that is supposed to act as the scaffolding to start a project with a large scope in mind.
There is no CSS, or any frameworks that create a beautiful site. This is strickly just the templating to create the basic html layout and file structure that can be extended and re-used to create templates to further expand into full projects.
The intention of this project is to provide the full file structure and templating to expand with any CCS framework or other useful web-development frameworks.
Since there is no CSS the only layouts provided are the index and 404 pages. Other pages will need to be created and styled based on the template or project you wish to build.
git clone https://github.com/RyanMarzec/bootstrap-eleventy_templates.git
At this point we can rename the directory if need be. Open up the file in VS Code, or if using a terminal:
cd eleventy_scaffolding
Take a look at .eleventy.js and see if there is any configuration changes you wish to make.
npm install
at this point install any extra dependencies you wish you use. The scaffolding project only includes 11ty/eleventy
npm start
At this point you can start building your own template or full project from this eleventy scaffolding!