Workout Regimen

For anything where reps isn't stated, goal is 6-8 reps. I try to get 8 on my first set, and on my last set if I get 6 or 7 reps, I feel that was a good amount of weight for that exercise.

Day 1


  • Barbell Bench Press, 8 sets, Add 10 lbs each set.
  • Dumbbell Incline Bench Press 4 sets, Add 5 lbs each set
  • Dips 4 sets. The more you lean forward, more chest you hit (ideal)


  • Dumbbell row 4 sets, Add 5 lbs each set
  • Lat pulldown machine 4 sets, Add 5 lbs each set
  • Seated row machine 4 sets, Add 5 lbs each set
  • Lower back extensions, 8 sets (don't go too high on these or you'll tweak your back)

Day 2


  • Crunches 8 sets, 12 reps
  • Any ab exercise where you bring your legs to your chest. 8 sets, 12 reps

Arms (Biceps)

  • Barbell curl 8 sets, Add 5 lbs each set
  • Dumbell curl 4 sets, Add 5 lbs each set
  • Cable curl 4 sets, Add 5 lbs each set but weight isn't critical here, make sure you squeeze your biceps at the top of each rep. Most important.

Arms (Triceps)

  • Close grip bench 8 sets, Add 10 lbs each set
  • Tricep pulldown machine w/ flat bar, 4 sets, Add 5 lbs each set
  • Tricep pulldown machine w/ rope, 4 sets, Add 5 lbs each set

Day 3


  • Squats/Leg press 4 sets, Add 10 lbs each set
  • Leg curl machine 8 sets, Add 5 lbs each set
  • Lunges holding 1 dumbell 4 sets, Add 5 lbs each set
  • Calf raise machine 4 sets, 12 reps


  • Barbell Shrug 4 sets, Add 5 lbs each set
  • Barbell Overhead Shoulder Press, Add 5 lbs each set
  • Cable upright row 4 sets, Add 5 lbs each set
  • Dumbbell side lateral raises 4 sets, go light here. I use 10-15 lbs. These muscles are small.
  • Reverse dumbbell lateral raises, sitting on a 45 degree bench, facing the bench. Or use machine for rear deltoids. 4 sets
  • Any rotator cuff exercise for injury prevention

Repeat days 1-3 twice, then take a rest day. If you skip a day, continue where you left off and would be next.


  • In general, want to always pyramid up
  • Should take 1 hour ideally, arms/abs day takes me 90 minutes though
  • If you feel you are platueing, lower the weight a bit, and increase your speed
  • Make sure each rep you go the full range of motion
  • If your form feels wrong or you feel pain, it probably is
  • Don't bounce the bar off your chest when doing bench
  • Machines are fine but dumbbells are great for your stablizer muscles
  • Protein powder good, pre workout, bad. Use coffee
  • Don't expect instant results, typically you will do this workout for a few weeks, then be able to increase by 10 lbs on bench press as an example
  • Don't stretch cold
  • No need to modify any exercises to 'confuse' your muscles. Bunch of BS from the industry. You can do this workout indefinitely, but feel free to modify individual exercises as desired but maintain muscle group targets.
  • You'll notice each regimen starts with the exercise w/ the most weight, and then moves down. This is intentional. (ex. Squat is the first exercise on leg day).
  • Don't skip leg day, it is known to increase testosterone
  • Also I did not come up with this, a well respected body builder did. But it has worked well for me