
A starter Vagrant file for Rails projects.

MIT LicenseMIT

Ruby on Rails Vagrant Box

A Ruby on Rails Vagrant box with all the software you need to start developing applications.

Software Included

  • Ubuntu 12.04
  • Ruby on Rails 4.1.1
  • Node.js
  • Ruby 2.0.0-p353
  • Postgresql
  • Redis
  • Git

Getting Started

  • Install Virtualbox
  • Install Vagrant
  • Copy Vagrantfile and Cheffile to your project by downloading or cloning using Git
  • Run gem install librarian-chef
  • Run librarian-chef install to use librarian to download the required Chef cookbooks
  • Run vagrant up to provision your Vagrant box with the included software. This may take a while, but when finished your Ruby on Rails development environment will be ready for use.
  • Run vagrant ssh to access your Vagrant box

Other Stuff

  • The Vagrantfile sets up a Postgres user called postgres with the password password. Use this information whenever you have to connect to your database.


  • I encourage any pull requests or issue reports. I'll more than likely accept anything that improves the project.