
My vim setup for windows boxes

Primary LanguageVim Script


In your home directory (Linux or Mac), run:

mv ~/.vim ~/vim_old # backup your old .vim folder
git clone git://github.com/akitaonrails/vimfiles.git ~/.vim

mv ~/.vimrc ~/vimrc_old
ln -s ~/.vim/vimrc ~/.vimrc

If you’re using Windows do the following under C:\Documents and Settings\Your_User

git clone git://github.com/akitaonrails/vimfiles.git vimfiles

Still on Windows, run the following command in a Command Prompt console:

cd %HOME%\vimfiles

vim after\plugin\snippets.vim +":%s/.vim/vimfiles/g" +":x!"
vim plugin\fuzzyfinder_textmate.vim +":%s/.vim/vimfiles/g" +":x!"
vim vimrc +":%s/desert/vibrantink/g" +":x!"
vim vimrc +":%s/monaco/Consolas:h12/g" +":x!"
vim vimrc +":%s/<c-f>/<c-t>/g" +":x!"

copy /y vimrc ..\_vimrc

Monaco is for Mac, Consolas is for Windows (if you don´t have the new Office nor
Visual Studio installed. download from this URL: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=22e69ae4-7e40-4807-8a86-b3d36fab68d3&displaylang=en).
Under Linux better try “Bitstream Vera Sans Mono”
