
Code repository for OSU CSE 5542 Real-time Rendering

Primary LanguageTypeScript

CSE5542-RTRendering Lab 5



  • Quick preview (deployed version): URL

  • Codebase: https://github.com/RyanQ96/CSE5542-RTRendering

  • Additional Object invited from here!

  • Framework References:

    • VueJS: the framework for the interface.
    • VuetifyJS: UI component library.
  • How to run from Github:

    1. git clone https://github.com/RyanQ96/CSE5542-RTRendering.git
    2. npm install (make sure npm is installed on your local machine)
    3. cd 5542-codebase
    4. git checkout lab5
    5. npm run dev
  • Run from the ZIP (might have environment configuration issue)

    1. npm run dev
  • Repository Walkthrough

    • 5542-codebase/src/
      • shaders: shader code for environemnt cube mapping and general objects
      • components: vue component for the interface, including appbar and the main view (canvas) of the interface
      • utils: utility methods generally used in initialize webgl program
        • shaderUtils.ts: utility functions to initialize shaders
        • matrix.ts: matrix utility functions,including creating projection, translation, rotation matrix, their inverse and also matrix and vector multiplication operations.
        • hierarchymodel.ts: hierarchical model, including HObjclass, its children class Global and each one of the shapes Sphere, Cylinder, Cube el al.
        • obj.ts: class extends HObj, hierarchical model, including OBJGeneralclass, its a generic class for .obj object and support rendering vertex shader, fragment shader and also texture.
        • objUtils.ts Utility functions for parsing OBJ files. Borrowed from https://webglfundamentals.org/webgl/webgl-load-obj-w-mtl-w-normal-maps.html.
      • core: core code for eventhander and webgl rendering
        • setup-lab4.ts: setup event listener
        • drawwebgl-new.ts: main rendering code, function initShape is the function that create all the shapes (table, cube, sphere, album and the invited new obj) and vertical node.