
Utilities for data tools such as cassandra, elasticsearch, in java

Primary LanguageJava

data utils

Some utils for Cassandra, Elasticsearch, and just java in general that I like.

For examples, see my java podcast tool since that is where much of this originated

How to add to your app

For play app for example:

  1. clone into a ./lib dir
  2. add es indices into resources if you use es
  3. add cassandra daos for every dao class you have
PodcastByLanguageDao podcastByLanguageDao(@DaoTable String table);

Note that the above should be literally table, that's it, not any tablename or anything else.

  1. repackage
mvn package
  1. Use the jar wherever you need to in your project

  2. Put the jar in ./lib See here for more. I guess that's where play looks for jars.

  3. Config

Alternatively add this project as a submodule

cd <my-parent-project>
git submodule add https://github.com/RyanQuey/data-utils-for-java.git

Now it is a git submodule, and you can manage it separately in git but develop simultaneously.

Later when you clone the project, you can use:

git clone https://github.com/<github-name>/<my-parent-project>.git --recurse-submodules

Or if you already cloned it you will have to run:

git submodule init
git submodule update

DB Migrations

  1. each migration should be in plaintext, and contain only a single cql command (i.e., only use ; once).
  • Technically we could allow more than one command, but for now validation requires checking each command and one command per file (particularly, ALTER TABLE calls are the only ones that are allowed to fail).
  1. files should have .cql extension. If they don't, we will not run that file.
  2. ALTER KEYSPACE commands are not currently handled, since we don't want multiple changes to happen every migration run. Do these yourself manually. Probably best to just maintain a file that shows what keyspace should just be, so users can just set it up instantly. My default is to just make first migration 0000CreateKeyspace.cql
  3. Other rules may also be added...e.g., right now, not allowing comments in opening line, for easier parsing of the command


TODO Project specific stuff should be included in gitignore

  • How to hide InventoryMapper stuff? src/main/java/com/ryanquey/datautils/cassandraHelpers/InventoryMapper.java

See example in my intertextuality-graph project

Installing to local repo

use ./scripts/install-data-utils-jar.sh


If you want to bump the version, you don't want to use env vars for that in the pom.xml itself, since that would mean we couldn't keep track of the version of this project independent of other projects that use it as submodule. Better to just:

  1. update the pom.xml var project-package.version
  2. In parent project that uses this, set an env var there, and reference the new version, so other projects can find the pom/jar file with the new version.

In my projects, this looks like changing a script that changes all the env vars. I like to use $DATA_UTILS_VERSION

Note that this env vars stuff is only for the sake of the parent project; this repo does not use it at all (currently)