A React component to make speech recognition for Khmer audio and video easier and faster.
- npm >
- Node 10 - dubnium
Node version is set in node version manager .nvmrc
nvm use
npm i
npm start
Visit http://localhost:3000
Use JSON string, with each key as something to be replaced, and value as what to replace it with.
{ "សួរ": "លា", "បូរ៉ា": "Ryan" yan"}
(all "សួរ" becomes "លា").
Then keep transcribing!
If you want to keep your settings in a spreadsheet, you can do that then just copy it into the
In Spreadsheet, use one column per entry (first row of column, what to replace; second row of column, what to put in)
Use an Excel to JSON converter, e.g.:
- https://tableconvert.com/excel-to-json (also includes "transposing" if you used one row per entry)
- https://codepen.io/mmabale/full/YWwRjm
Copy that into the app and go!
- Save to up to two local storage spots, and retrieve for the future.
- Automatic saving of last value of field using a third local-storage key, which gets retrieved on reload.
- https://github.com/bbc/react-transcript-editor Demo can be viewed at https://bbc.github.io/react-transcript-editor
- https://github.com/JamesBrill/react-speech-recognition
npm run deploy:ghpages
Or even easier: