This precourse is designed to ensure that you have the necessary skills to participate effectively in the Cloud Native Technologist (CNT) course.
In order to get the most out of CNT, you will need need to have a baseline familiarity with Git, Java and the Web.
In order to enroll in CNT you must be able to:
- Get a working version of Git installed on your local machine
- Setup a Github account
- Fork and Clone Github Repositories
- Add commit and push changes
In order to enroll in CNT you must be able to:
- Setup Java 8 on your local machine
- Build and run basic Java applications
- Create classes with:
- Private fields
- Constructors
- Getters
- Setters
- Create and Implement Interfaces
In order to demonstrate your mastery of the areas above, you'll be asked to:
- Fork and clone a repo
- Run a Java application
- Make changes, add commit and push them
- Make tests pass in the Java app