
Python script that automates the retrieval of financial statements in most 10-Ks of companies into an excel sheet


This is meant to be a simple project of automating the retrieval of financial statements (Balance Sheet Statemenets, Statements of Operations and Statements of Cash Flows) directly from the 10-Ks of companies. Table of contents


  • Python3
    • xlwings
    • asyncio
    • aiohttp
    • requests
    • datetime
    • time
    • lxml
    • pandas
    • numpy
    • pathlib
  • xlwings
  • Microsoft Excel

Installing Prerequisites

Installing Python3

Python3 can be installed via brew

brew install python3

Installing python3 prerequisites

Open the terminal from the zip file

$ python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Implementation of program


Zip file

You can simply download the zip file

Using git

Execute the following in a directory you want

git clone

Using the program as intended

Continue on after you have made your choice

  • Open the 'Balance Sheets config' sheet or any of the config sheets
    • Configure which companies you want to scrape - Ticker symbols only
    • Configure which forms to scrape - '10-K' or '10-Q'

Example configuration sheet in excel

tickers forms
  • Enable the developer tab in excel
    • Under 'Options' -> 'Ribbon' -> Check 'Developer' tab,
    • Or for mac 'Preferences' -> 'Ribbon' -> Check 'Develper' tab
  • Open Visual Basic under the 'Developer' tab
  • Insert a new 'module' and insert the code for xlwings:

Example Code:

Sub YourFuncName()
    RunPython "import balance_sheet_updater; balance_sheet_updater.main()"
End Sub

There are 3 programs to choose to import from - balance_sheet_updater, income_statements_updater, cash_flow_updater

  • Make sure you have the sheet with the right name - 'Balance Sheets', 'Income Statements', 'Cash Flows'
  • Save, run the macro and go and have a coffee to wait for the program to do its thing

Creating your own xlsm file

  • In your own file, the same names for the sheets still have to be adhered to (unless you fork and configure the program yourself)
  • Under 'Tools' -> 'References' -> Check 'xlwings'
  • The rest is the same as configuring the .xlsm file that is already in the zip file

How it works

There are 3 main steps to the program

  • Configuration for which companies to retrieve and whether to retrieve annual and/or quarterly data
    • Retrieve data from excel sheet with pandas.read_excel() and read sheet with specified name into table that can be parsed
  • Retrieval of the data (from and
    • requests.get() is used to get and parse data from to convert the ticker symbols to CIK
    • asyncio is used to asynchronously request data from initially to get all filings data for the CIK
    • Data is filtered to just find 10-K and 10-Q
    • For each form, if the form ends in .htm, a request is made to '' to see whether the page exists
    • If site exists, find the specified table and parse from the given link directly
    • If it doesn't exist, go straight to the 10-Q or 10-K filing and search for the table there

There are 3 methods used to find the table in the form

Method Speed
Find the hyperlink in the document that links to the page of the table to extract the table] Fastest
Find the text that only exists in that financial statement and extract the table] Mid - Quite Fast
Find the header that only exists before financial statement and extract the table] Slowest
  • Updating of the data (in excel)
    • The lists of lists that contain the tables are merged together and converted to a pandas dataframe
    • xlwings is used to update the dataframe into the specified sheets

Why I built this

After going on a journey looking through companies' financial statements and annual reports, one thing stood out to me -- Not all Financial Statements report the same metrics. In other words, oftentimes the data retrieved from tools (yfinance, ...) retrieve the data and process it in their own way to come up with the few same metrics for each financial statement. As far as I am an ameteur in this field, I believe the method of derivation of the metrics are as important as the metrics themselves. As such, I decided to embark on this project to retrieve data on my own from the companies' 10-Ks so that any abnormalities with the data given can be easily noticed and one would be able to find out what the abnormality means, as well as deal with it in their own common sense way.