Pinned issues
- 1
Timetable Constraints
#16 opened by RyanTYT - 2
testing frontend layout
#18 opened by lynettelcl - 1
- 1
jwt token verification
#17 opened by RyanTYT - 1
Profile pic for all users
#11 opened by lynettelcl - 1
Module Swapping
#13 opened by RyanTYT - 2
Timetable height flex
#5 opened by RyanTYT - 5
Timetable optimiser function
#6 opened by RyanTYT - 1
addModule() function
#15 opened by RyanTYT - 1
Slow rendering of pictures
#12 opened by RyanTYT - 2
Status button for users in PeopleBar
#10 opened by RyanTYT - 1
People Search Function
#3 opened by RyanTYT - 1
Frontend groups integration
#2 opened by RyanTYT - 2
Backend express.js api calls
#1 opened by RyanTYT - 0
Private and Public settings in user profile
#7 opened by RyanTYT - 0
Settings page population
#4 opened by RyanTYT - 0
Star as Pin
#8 opened by RyanTYT - 0
Hover animation for addProjectButton.tsx
#9 opened by RyanTYT