
Dcard Intern Interview Demo

Primary LanguageGo

Dcard Demo

Simple Live Demo



I've deployed a simple shorten-URL Demo that have developed by React. If You wanna demo,visit the link below(a bit slow~):



API Server have been deployed on AWS EC2 and the host name:


Using this API to check server active state. If it's being active,you'll receive a pong message


Tool in use

  • Gin-Gonic(backend framework)
  • Mysql database
  • GROM
  • Validator v10
  • Viper
  • Swagger-API

APIs Document

Allowing to access Swagger-API if server is in debug mode

Mode: debug


Uri Method Desc
/api/v1/urls POST Upload Longrest URL with expired date in UTC format
/{url_id} GET Redirect to original url with url_id

How it work

Upload url

  • Getting uploaded data from the HTTP Form and validating the data via Validator including URL and time
  • Create a new tuple/record to the DB with Form data if data is validated successfully
  • After tuple is created, server'll use base62 Algorithm to generate the short_URL depending on Unix time
    • base62 Algorithm Implementation
    • Input int64(unix time) and output a string which string consists of a-z, A-Z,and 0-9(total 62 characters)
    //Base62URL in order to generate shorten url string,it's consider to use base 62 approach(6byte)
    func Base62URL(id int64) string {
      if id < 0 {
        return ""
      urlStr := "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" //total 62 character
      url := ""
      for {
        if id <= 0 {
        str := urlStr[int(id%62)]
        url += string(str)
        id = id / 62
      return url
  • After the short_URL is generated by the algorithm, the short_URL will be updated in DB

Redirect to original URL

  • Getting short URL id from URL path, for example: the short URL_id is abc123
  • We'll query the database and check the URL_id (Checking steps below)
    • Step 1 :whether the URL_id exist
      • 1.the URL_id not exist,return 404 Not Found Immediately
      • 2.the URL_id exist in the database,it goes to the next step
    • Step 2 :whether the url_id expire
      • 1.the URL_id expired, return 404 Not Found Immediately
      • 2.the URL_id does not expire, redirect to the original_URL