
Protobuffer Node

Primary LanguageGo

Protocol Buffer

How is Protocol Buffer used?

Create a .protol file->Automatically generate the code for any language->serialization the data(deconde&encode)

.Protocol buffer definition

//Protocol buffer format
//syntax = "version of protocol buffer";
syntax = "protol3"; //using protocol buffer version 3

message NameOfMessage {
	//type name = field tag
	int numberID = 1;
	string name = 2;
	bool adult = 3;

type: Int,float,double,bool,string,bytes

type : repeat -> the array or a list

Tag(importance part in Protocol buffer)

small : 1

large : 2^29

Tag Not Be Able to use 1900 & 19999


  • Tag 1 - 15 : USING 1 BYTES => FOR frequently popular data
  • Tag 2 - 2047 : USING 2 BYTES

Default value the type

  • Bool : false
  • number : 0
  • string : empty
  • bytes : empty
  • enum : the first value
  • repeated : empty list

Special Enum type

enum Name{
	TYPE_A = 0;
	TYPE_B = 1;
	TYPE_C = 2;
	TYPE_D = 3;

//message fiels
Name myEnum = 1;

To Generate Code Need Proto compiler : Protoc

command - protoc -I=“path of proto” --cpp/js/java/..._out=code "path/x.proto"