

  • Create recipes, complete with photo, ingredients, directions, notes
  • Make a recipe and then share the results! Results include a photo and description of how it turned out. These appear as an album below the relevant recipe
  • Activity feed shows the last several recipes and results posted
  • Ability to follow other users and see who is following you
  • User profile shows albums of the users results and recipes
  • Privacy and relevance filters: -- Filter posts by users you're following to make results more relevant -- Keep your posts public or restrict visibility to followers

Tech Stack

  • Front End: HTML, CSS, Jinja
  • Back End: Python on Flask
  • Database: MySQL with SQLAlchemy


Ryan Whipple is a recent graduate of the Coding Dojo Python Full-Stack Developer program

Wesley Giles is a recent graduate of the Coding Dojo Python Full-Stack Developer program



See all recipes!

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Social Feed shows newly posted recipes and results. Algorithm prioritizes recipes and results from people you are following.

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See your own recipes

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Create a new recipe

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Share your results directly from a recipe's page

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