
✨ If you know how to use Fetch, you know how to use Fetchye [fetch-yae]. Simple React Hooks, Centralized Cache, Infinitely Extensible.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Fetchye - One Amex

If you know how to use Fetch, you know how to use Fetchye [fetch-yae]. Simple React Hooks, Centralized Cache, Infinitely Extensible.

// ...
import { useFetchye } from 'fetchye';

const MyComponent = () => {
  const { isLoading, data } = useFetchye('http://example.com/api/profile');
  return (
      {!isLoading && (

📖 Table of Contents

✨ Features

  • ES6 Fetch powered by React Hooks
  • Centralized Cache
  • Redux, Headless (Coming Soon) or useReducer (Coming Soon) Cache modes available
  • SSR-friendly

⬇️ Install

For One App Installs skip to One App Install section.

Redux-based Install

npm i -S fetchye

Add the <FetchyeReduxProvider /> component under the Redux <Provider />:

A Standalone Provider without Redux will be added in Beta release.

import { createStore } from 'redux';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
import { FetchyeReduxProvider } from 'fetchye';
import { fetchyeReducer } from 'fetchye/lib/cache/immutable/reducer';

const store = createStore(fetchyeReducer);

const ParentComponent = ({ children }) => (
    <Provider store={store}>
      <FetchyeReduxProvider fetchClient={fetch} cacheSelector={(state) => state}>
        {/* Use your Router to supply children components containing useFetchye */}

One App Install

npm i -S fetchye

Add the <FetchyeReduxProvider /> component to your Root Holocron Module:

// ...
import { combineReducers } from 'redux-immutable';
import { FetchyeReduxProvider } from 'fetchye';
import { fetchyeReducer } from 'fetchye/lib/cache/immutable/reducer';

const MyModuleRoot = ({ children }) => (
    <FetchyeReduxProvider fetchClient={fetch} cacheSelector={(state) => state.getIn(['modules', 'my-module-root', 'fetchye'])}>
      {/* Use your Router to supply children components containing useFetchye */}

// ...

MyModuleRoot.holocron = {
  name: 'my-module-root',
  reducer: combineReducers({
    // ... any other reducers
    fetchye: fetchyeReducer,

🤹‍ Usage

Real-World Example

import React from 'react';
import { useFetchye } from 'fetchye';

const BookList = ({ genre }) => {
  const { isLoading, data } = useFetchye(`http://example.com/api/books/?genre=${genre}`, {
    headers: {
      'X-Some-Tracer-Id': 1234,

  if (isLoading) {
    return (<p>Loading...</p>);

  return (
      {data.status === 200 && (
          <h1>Books by {genre}</h1>
            {data.body.map((book) => (
              <li key={book.id}>{book.title} by {book.author}</li>
      {data.status !== 200 && (

Lazy execution

When you need to delay execution of a useFetchye call, you may use { lazy: true } option. This is great for forms:

import React from 'react';
import { useFetchye } from 'fetchye';

const NewBookForm = () => {
  const { formData, onChange } = useSomeFormHandler();
  const { isLoading, run } = useFetchye('http://example.com/api/books', {
    // include lazy here
    lazy: true,
    method: 'POST',
    headers: {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    body: JSON.stringify({

  const onSubmit = async (event) => {
    const { data, error } = await run();
    // Check to make sure data.status === 200 for success

  return (
    <form onSubmit={onSubmit}>
        {/* ...form elements using onChange */}
      {/* Hide Submit button when sending POST request */}
      {!isLoading && <button type="submit">Submit</button>}

Data Dependent Execution

import React from 'react';
import { useFetchye } from 'fetchye';

const MyFavoriteBook = () => {
  const { isLoading: loadingProfile, data: profile } = useFetchye('http://example.com/api/profile');
  const { isLoading: loadingBook, data: favoriteBook } = useFetchye(() => `http://example.com/api/books/${profile.body.favoriteBookId}`);

  if (loadingProfile) {
    return (<p>Loading...</p>);
  if (profile.status !== 200) {
    return (<p>Oops!</p>);
  if (loadingBook) {
    return (<p>Loading...</p>);

  return (
      {favoriteBook.status === 200 && (
          <h1>My Favorite Book</h1>
      {favoriteBook.status !== 200 && (


import React from 'react';
import { useFetchye } from 'fetchye';

const BookList = ({ genre }) => {
  const { isLoading, data: booksData, run } = useFetchye(`http://example.com/api/books/?genre=${genre}`);

  if (isLoading) {
    return (<p>Loading...</p>);

  return (
      {/* Render booksData */}
      <button type="button" onClick={() => run()}>Refresh</button>


A non-Redux driven makeServerFetchye will be introduced in the Beta release

import React from 'react';
import { useFetchye, makeServerFetchye } from 'fetchye';

const BookList = ({ genre }) => {
  const { isLoading, data } = useFetchye(`http://example.com/api/books/?genre=${genre}`, {
    headers: {
      'X-Some-Tracer-Id': 1234,

  if (isLoading) {
    return (<p>Loading...</p>);

  return (
      {/* Render data */}

BookList.someServerSideFunc = async ({ store: { dispatch, getState } }) => {
  const fetchye = makeServerFetchye({
    // Redux store
    store: { dispatch, getState },
    fetchClient: fetch,
    // Selector to wherever fetchye reducer exists in Redux
    cacheSelector: (state) => state,

  // async/await fetchye has same arguments as useFetchye
  const { data, error } = await fetchye(`http://example.com/api/books/?genre=${genre}`, {
    headers: {
      'X-Some-Tracer-Id': 1234,

  // Server will run a fetchye API call and cache the result.
  // Client will draw the API call result with matching arguments from the cache
  // without firing an API call.

🎛️ API



const { isLoading, data, error, run } = useFetchye(key, { lazy: Boolean, mapOptionsToKey: options => options, ...fetchOptions }, fetcher);


name type required description
key String or () => String true A string or function returning a string that factors into cache key creation. Defaults to URL compatible string.
options Object<Options> false Options to pass through to ES6 Fetch. See Options table for the exceptions to this rule. The options object factors into cache key creation.
fetcher async (fetchClient: Fetch, key: String, options: Options) => ({ payload: Object, error?: Object }) false The async function that calls fetchClient by key and options. Returns a payload with outcome of fetchClient and an optional error object.


name type required description
mapOptionsToKey (options: Options) => transformedOptions false A function that maps options to the key that will become part of the cache key
lazy Boolean false Prevents execution of useFetchye on each render in favor of using the returned run function. Defaults to false
...restOptions ES6FetchOptions true Contains any ES6 Compatible fetch option. (See Fetch Options)


name type description
isLoading Boolean A boolean to indicate whether in loading state or not.
data Object A result of a fetchClient query. Defaults to returning { status, body, ok, headers } from fetchClient response
error? Object An object containing an error if present. Defaults to an Error object with a thrown fetch error. This is not for API errors (e.g. Status 500 or 400). See data for that
run async () => {} A function for bypassing the cache and firing an API call. This will cause isLoading === true and update the cache based on the result.



const fetchye = makeServerFetchye({ store, cacheSelector, fetchClient });

const { data, error } = await fetchye(key, options, fetcher);

makeServerFetchye Arguments

name type required description
store ReduxStore true A Redux Store instance.
cacheSelector (state: ReduxState) => state true A function that returns the location inside Redux State to the Fetchye Cache. (See Redux Selectors).
fetchClient ES6Fetch true A Fetch API compatible function.

fetchye Arguments

name type required description
key String or () => String true A string or function returning a string that factors into cache key creation. Defaults to URL compatible string.
options ES6FetchOptions false Options to pass through to ES6 Fetch.
fetcher async (fetchClient: Fetch, key: String, options: Options) => ({ payload: Object, error?: Object }) false The async function that calls fetchClient by key and options. Returns a payload with outcome of fetchClient and an optional error object.

fetchye Returns

name type description
data Object A result of a fetchClient query. Defaults to returning { status, body, ok, headers } from fetchClient response
error? Object An object containing an error if present. Defaults to an Error object with a thrown fetch error. This is not for API errors (e.g. Status 500 or 400). See data for that



  <FetchyeReduxProvider fetchClient={fetch} cacheSelector={state => state}>


name type required description
ReactReduxContext ReactReduxContext true A Redux Context from a <Provider />.


Note: Changing props after mounting will not result in altering FetchyeContext. This was decided upon for memoization reasons.

name type required description
fetchClient ES6Fetch true A Fetch API compatible function.
cacheSelector (state: ReduxState) => state true A function that returns the location inside Redux State to the Fetchye Cache. (See Redux Selectors).

📢 Mission

The Fetchye project wishes to bring a more flexible central caching experience using the best ideas of the Redux design pattern and options for the developer to choose how their data is stored. Fetchye provides React Context driven caching options backed by your choice of pure React (via useReducer) or Redux. Fetchye Context Providers do not rely on singleton statics and can be instantiated throughout an application multiple times for multiple caches if so desired.

🏆 Contributing

We welcome Your interest in the American Express Open Source Community on Github. Any Contributor to any Open Source Project managed by the American Express Open Source Community must accept and sign an Agreement indicating agreement to the terms below. Except for the rights granted in this Agreement to American Express and to recipients of software distributed by American Express, You reserve all right, title, and interest, if any, in and to Your Contributions. Please fill out the Agreement.

Please feel free to open pull requests and see CONTRIBUTING.md to learn how to get started contributing.

🗝️ License

Any contributions made under this project will be governed by the Apache License 2.0.

🗣️ Code of Conduct

This project adheres to the American Express Community Guidelines. By participating, you are expected to honor these guidelines.