mvn package to compile to a jar. (We may setup a continuous integration at some point)

Dev Environment

  1. Install Maven.

  2. Clone this repository.

  3. Import/Create Maven project from this existing source.


    1. File > New > Project from existing sources
    2. Open pom.xml
    3. Default configuration should be fine
    4. Select a Java SDK. You may have to click the plus and select the jdk directory
    5. Whatever project name
    6. Wait for the project to finish importing and dependencies to finish downloading (any "processes running" should be done)
    7. Open test/java/ Run > Run, select Playground. The project should compile and the Playground file should be executed
  4. To set up credentials on a local machine, add file to:

    • ~/.aws/config on Linux, macOS, or Unix
    • C:\Users\[USERNAME]\.aws\config on Windows