
Web based client/server rogue-like mmo

Primary LanguageJavaScript

NOTE: No license - copyright withheld until changed (feel free to clone etc, just don't release or allow generic public access) - I am in favour of an OS license on the client code at the least...

Basic game design ideas.


  • The display uses DHTML (hence browser based) and heavy Ajax use to interact with the server.
  • All dungeons are instanced so only you and your party are together, however towns are "open" to all.
  • Display is isometric with a one-button interface.
  • Server uses PHP + MySQL.
  • Dungeons are created once and stored for later instancing.
  • Mobs and items are generated at instance time, only generic types and levels are generated at creation.

User Interface

  • Browser based - using HTML5 Canvas elements for maps
  • Isometric tiles
  • One click to move / attack / collect / etc (no overloading right click)
  • Clicking on an item with multiple actions gives a menu (dropdown?) of options
  • Inventory, Equipment, Stats etc are all floating displays in the browser window (only one tab needed).
  • Keyboard control needed - tab between displays with optional keyboard movement controls at all times
  • Map (dungeon etc) has LOS (line of sight) - no map data sent to client till they have potential LOS on it
  • Hidden monsters have an id and fog but don't move when not seen - so player knows last location, but not current location
  • Map is always reset to "not known" when entering a level - you must explore to fill it
  • Inventory is grouped and then alphabetical - possibly tabs of types (lazy loading until needed)


  • While in "public" areas like town there is no fighting or mobs
  • Game continues running while player is connected - tick of 1 second
  • Monsters may have different speeds for movement
  • Pause button (?)
  • Inventory size limited by weight, possibly with a limited number of items to prevent stupidity :-P
  • Items can be combined with "natural" results - fire + oil = bad...
  • Items need identifying the first time - magical items always need to be identified
  • Item types (such as potions, scrolls etc) only need to be identified once per player - but the "identified" flag follows the item itself

Stats & Experience

  • Stats are 1-100, internal work is run off square root, so skill power advancement is non linear, but stat gain per level is always the same
  • Experience per level is linear (exp gain needed to level = 1000 x level)
  • (Possible) Stats: str, dex, int, wis, con, cha
  • Players must visit the town to level up (regardless of exp gained)

All these are rough, subject to change, and subject to equipment:

  • Hitpoints = 10 + level x sqrt(con)
  • Mana = 10 + level x sqrt(wis)
  • Party size = sqrt(cha)
  • Skill points per level = sqrt(int)
  • Damage = sqrt(str)
  • Defense = sqrt(dex)
Classes & Skills
  • Classes only specify starting skills and equipment
  • Skills are capable of being improved by training (and practice?)
  • Some skills inhibit others - might and magic don't play nicely
  • Skills go from 0-100, untrained cannot use it at all
  • Skill use goes on the square root (affected by sqrt of relevant stat)
  • (Possible) Skills: might / magic, stealth / armour, accuracy / rage
  • Cost (difficulty?) of increasing any skill is based on the sum of it and it's opposite


  • Players may group together and dungeon crawl as a party
  • Parties get tougher monsters, but better loot
  • Player may close window (tab etc) at any time - when the last member of a party quits the dungeon will pause (if player is alone then it will pause when they quit)
  • One player leads a party
  • Party size is limited by charisma of leader
  • Players may "hire" npc's to fill out their party


  • PHP + MySQL
  • Client is completely untrusted - all data is checked
  • Dungeon maps are generated the first time they are visited - they are populated as an instance when someone goes in
  • Only one instance per player per time - leave a party and lose that instance
  • Instance is stored until another is created (delete after xx days unused?)
  • Monsters are capable of having an inventory - only items which affect the monsters stats are created before death (or theft etc)
  • Inactive data (unused for more than a week?) is automatically archived - restore is transparent and automatic


  • Maps are stored in square blocks with a level and coordinates - only terrain is stored in this map data
  • All map contents including doors are generated when the map is instanced
  • Not all dungeons go down to the same depth - deepest level is related to the level of the player who first created the last floor of it
  • (Over time) add more dungeon generation algorithms to give a variety of styles
  • All instance data is stored in an sql table
  • Map is loaded from database
  • Random point is chosen to be entrance
  • "Walk" map (distance from entrance) is created
  • Random point at 3/4 max walk distance is chosen to be exit (if allowed)
  • Doors are added in relevant places - depends on rooms entrance etc
  • Chests are added in random locations
  • Mobs are added
  • Any keys added (in mob or chest) must be in a "walk" distance less than the lock (door or chest)