
Advanced filtering of Connections in PostGraphile

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Package on npm


This plugin adds a filter argument for advanced filtering of list types.

Note: This plugin targets the beta/RC releases of PostGraphile v4. See the Compatibility table below for details.

Warning: Use of this plugin (particularly with the default options) may make it astoundingly trivial for a malicious actor (or a well-intentioned application that generates complex GraphQL queries) to overwhelm your database with expensive queries. See the Performance and Security section for details.

Breaking change in beta.15

The v1.0.0-beta.15 release of this plugin relies on the pgOmit function introduced in PostGraphile v4.0.0-rc.2 and the inet type support introduced in PostGraphile v4.0.0-rc.4. As a result, the PostGraphile peer dependency was bumped to v4.0.0-rc.4 or later.

Breaking change in beta.9

The deprecated is and null operators were removed. Use the isNull operator instead.

Breaking change in beta.7

The v1.0.0-beta.7 release of this plugin uses the pluggable inflector and smart comments functionality introduced in PostGraphile v4.0.0-beta.8. As a result, the PostGraphile peer dependency was bumped to v4.0.0-beta.8 or later.

Breaking change in beta.4

The contains string comparison operator was renamed to includes to make room for JSONB operators contains and containedBy. To maintain the old names, you can specify the following in graphileBuildOptions:

connectionFilterOperatorNames: {
  includes: "contains",
  includesInsensitive: "containsInsensitive",
  notIncludes: "notContains",
  notIncludesInsensitive: "notContainsInsensitive",
  contains: "jsonbContains",
  containedBy: "jsonbContainedBy"


PostGraphile version Plugin version
4.0.0-alpha2.20 1.0.0-alpha.0
4.0.0-alpha2.21 - 4.0.0-alpha2.25 1.0.0-alpha.1
4.0.0-alpha2.26 1.0.0-alpha.2 - 1.0.0-alpha.3
4.0.0-alpha2.27 - 4.0.0-alpha2.28 1.0.0-alpha.4 - 1.0.0-alpha.6
4.0.0-alpha2.30 1.0.0-alpha.7 - 1.0.0-alpha.8
4.0.0-alpha2.33 1.0.0-alpha.9 - 1.0.0-alpha.10
4.0.0-beta.0 - 4.0.0-beta.7 1.0.0-beta.0 - 1.0.0-beta.6
4.0.0-beta.8 - 4.0.0-rc.3 1.0.0-beta.7 - 1.0.0-beta.14
4.0.0-rc.4 or later 1.0.0-beta.15 or later

Performance and Security

By default, this plugin:

  • Exposes a large number of filter operators, including some that can perform expensive pattern matching.
  • Allows filtering on computed columns, which can result in expensive operations.
  • Allows filtering on functions that return setof, which can result in expensive operations.
  • Allows filtering on List fields (Postgres arrays), which can result in expensive operations.

To protect your server, you can:

  • Use the connectionFilterAllowedFieldTypes and connectionFilterAllowedOperators options to limit the filterable fields and operators exposed through GraphQL.
  • Set connectionFilterComputedColumns: false to prevent filtering on computed columns.
  • Set connectionFilterSetofFunctions: false to prevent filtering on functions that return setof.
  • Set connectionFilterLists: false to prevent filtering on List fields (Postgres arrays).

Also see the Production Considerations page of the official PostGraphile docs, which discusses query whitelisting.

Getting Started


postgraphile --append-plugins `pwd`/path/to/this/plugin/index.js


const express = require("express");
const { postgraphile } = require("postgraphile");
const PostGraphileConnectionFilterPlugin = require("postgraphile-plugin-connection-filter");

const app = express();

  postgraphile(pgConfig, schema, {
    graphiql: true,
    appendPlugins: [PostGraphileConnectionFilterPlugin],



The following filter operators are exposed by default:

Logical Operators

Postgres operator GraphQL field GraphQL field type
AND and List
OR or List
NOT not Object

Comparison Operators

Postgres expression GraphQL field GraphQL field type
IS [NOT] NULL isNull Boolean
= equalTo Scalar/Enum
<> notEqualTo Scalar/Enum
IS DISTINCT FROM distinctFrom Scalar/Enum
IS NOT DISTINCT FROM notDistinctFrom Scalar/Enum
< lessThan Scalar/Enum
<= lessThanOrEqualTo Scalar/Enum
> greaterThan Scalar/Enum
>= greaterThanOrEqualTo Scalar/Enum
IN in List
NOT IN notIn List
LIKE '%...%' includes String
NOT LIKE '%...%' notIncludes String
ILIKE '%...%' includesInsensitive String
NOT ILIKE '%...%' notIncludesInsensitive String
LIKE '...%' startsWith String
NOT LIKE '...%' notStartsWith String
ILIKE '...%' startsWithInsensitive String
NOT ILIKE '...%' notStartsWithInsensitive String
LIKE '%...' endsWith String
NOT LIKE '%...' notEndsWith String
ILIKE '%...' endsWithInsensitive String
NOT ILIKE '%...' notEndsWithInsensitive String
LIKE '...' like String
NOT LIKE '...' notLike String
ILIKE '...' likeInsensitive String
NOT ILIKE '...' notLikeInsensitive String
SIMILAR TO '...' similarTo String
NOT SIMILAR TO '...' notSimilarTo String
@> contains JSON
<@ containedBy JSON
<< inetContainedBy InternetAddress
<<= inetContainedByOrEquals InternetAddress
>> inetContains InternetAddress
>>= inetContainsOrEquals InternetAddress
&& inetContainsOrIsContainedBy InternetAddress

List Comparison Operators

Postgres expression GraphQL field GraphQL field type
IS [NOT] NULL isNull Boolean
= equalTo List
<> notEqualTo List
IS DISTINCT FROM distinctFrom List
IS NOT DISTINCT FROM notDistinctFrom List
< lessThan List
<= lessThanOrEqualTo List
> greaterThan List
>= greaterThanOrEqualTo List
= ANY() anyEqualTo Scalar/Enum
<> ANY() anyNotEqualTo Scalar/Enum
> ANY() anyLessThan Scalar/Enum
>= ANY() anyLessThanOrEqualTo Scalar/Enum
< ANY() anyGreaterThan Scalar/Enum
<= ANY() anyGreaterThanOrEqualTo Scalar/Enum


Null values
query {
  allPosts(filter: {
    body: { isNull: true }
  }) {
Non-null values
query {
  allPosts(filter: {
    body: { isNull: false }
  }) {
Comparison operator with scalar input
query {
  allPosts(filter: {
    createdAt: { greaterThan: "2016-01-01" }
  }) {
Comparison operator with array input
query {
  allPosts(filter: {
    authorId: { in: [1, 2] }
  }) {
Multiple comparison operators

Note: Objects with multiple keys are interpreted with an implicit AND between the conditions.

query {
  allPosts(filter: {
    body: { isNull: false },
    createdAt: { greaterThan: "2016-01-01" }
  }) {
Logical operator
query {
  allPosts(filter: {
    or: [
      { authorId: { equalTo: 6 } },
      { createdAt: { greaterThan: "2016-01-01" } }
  }) {
Nested logic
query {
  allPosts(filter: {
    not: {
      or: [
        { authorId: { equalTo: 6 } },
        { createdAt: { greaterThan: "2016-01-01" } }
  }) {
Related tables
query {
  allPeople(filter: {
    firstName: { startsWith:"John" }
  }) {
    nodes {
      postsByAuthorId(filter: {
        createdAt: { greaterThan: "2016-01-01" }
      }) {
        nodes {

For additional examples, see the tests.

Plugin Options

When using PostGraphile as a library, the following plugin options can be passed via graphileBuildOptions:


Restrict filtering to specific operators:

postgraphile(pgConfig, schema, {
  graphileBuildOptions: {
    connectionFilterAllowedOperators: [

For a full list of the available operators, see the Comparison Operators table above.


Restrict filtering to specific field types:

postgraphile(pgConfig, schema, {
  graphileBuildOptions: {
    connectionFilterAllowedFieldTypes: ["String", "Int"],

The available field types will depend on your database schema.


Enable/disable filtering by computed columns:

postgraphile(pgConfig, schema, {
  graphileBuildOptions: {
    connectionFilterComputedColumns: false, // default: true

Enable/disable filtering on List fields:

postgraphile(pgConfig, schema, {
  graphileBuildOptions: {
    connectionFilterLists: false, // default: true

Use alternative names (e.g. eq, ne) for operators:

postgraphile(pgConfig, schema, {
  graphileBuildOptions: {
    connectionFilterOperatorNames: {
      equalTo: "eq",
      notEqualTo: "ne",

Enable/disable filtering on functions that return setof:

postgraphile(pgConfig, schema, {
  graphileBuildOptions: {
    connectionFilterSetofFunctions: false, // default: true


To establish a test environment, create an empty Postgres database (e.g. graphile_build_test) and set a TEST_DATABASE_URL environment variable with your connection string (e.g. postgres://localhost:5432/graphile_build_test). Ensure that psql is installed locally and then run:

npm install
npm test