
Ready to Innovate

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Ready To Innovate

Ready to Innovate tests organization's readiness to adopt emerging technologies. Ready to Innovate shows that a holistic strategy can allow organizations to make the changes they need to meet new demands in the IT industry.

Running Locally


  • PHP
  • MySQL
  • Apache

Setup Database

The dbconnect.php uses the following environment variables to resolve your mysql credentials.

export MYSQL_SVC=localhost
export MYSQL_USER=replace_me
export MYSQL_PASSWORD=replace_me
export MYSQL_DATABASE=spider

Once the above envs are set, we can create the tables required:

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/redhat-cop/rti/master/database.sql | mysql --host=${MYSQL_SVC} --database=${MYSQL_DATABASE} --user=${MYSQL_USER} --password=${MYSQL_PASSWORD}

Setup captcha

This app uses a captcha in register.php to ensure no robot creation of users. To register with recaptcha v2, visit: https://www.google.com/recaptcha/intro

export CAPTCHA_SITEKEY=replace_me
export CAPTCHA_SECRETKEY=replace_me

Securimage: A PHP class dealing with CAPTCHA images, audio, and validation https://www.phpcaptcha.org/documentation/quickstart-guide/

Deploying on OpenShift

NOTE: The .openshift/3-app.yml Secret/captcha needs updating before deploying.

oc new-project rti

oc create -f .openshift/1-mysql.yaml
oc rollout status dc/mysql --watch=true

oc create -f .openshift/2-db-init.yaml

oc create -f .openshift/3-app.yml
oc rollout status deployment/rti --watch=true

open "https://$(oc get route rti -o jsonpath={.spec.host})"