Aminer DB Format

Write before all , this is just a suggestion of our format , we also welcome any other fields Please do not hesitate to contact me(Yu Jing if you have any question or suggestion.


Field Name Field Type Description Example
title String Title ArnetMiner: extraction and mining of academic social networks
abstract String Abstract This paper addresses several key issues ....
keywords String Keywords,splited by ';' Social Network ; Information Extraction ; Name Disambiguation ; Topic Modeling ;Expertise Search ; Association Search
page_start String Page Start 990
page_end String Page End 998
volume String Volume
issue String Issue
editor AuthorInPub* Editor List
author_str String Origin Author String Jie Tang, Jing Zhang,Limin Yao, Juanzi Li,Li Zhang, Zhong Su
author AuthorInPub* Author List
venue VenueInPub* Venue Information
isbn String ISBN
issn String ISSN
doi String DOI
url String List external links ["",""]
citation CiteInfo* cited by other papers
reference CiteInfo* reference some other paper
raw_reference String reference string
src String identity of data source ides
sid String origin id in data source "0123467fb"
pdf String pdf data file name "~aminer/data/pdf/aa/bb/cc/paper.pdf"


Field Name Field Type Description Example
name String name Jie Tang
alias String may some other names , splited by ';' J. Tang ; Tang,Jie
email String
org String organization Tsinghua University
pos Integer position , start form 0
sid String id in data srouce


Field Name Field Type Description Example
name String venue name in paper
type Integer definited in Type Definition of Venue
id String id in Venue


Field Name Field Type Description Example
raw String Citation Raw String J. Tang, J. Zhang, L. Yao, J. Li, L. Zhang, and Z. Su, "ArnetMiner: extraction and mining of academic social networks", ;in Proc. KDD, 2008, pp.990-998.
sid String cited or reference paper's id in data source
seq Integer Sequence , for reference only , start from 0
doi String


Field Name Field Type Description Example
if Float Impact Factor 1.68
name String Full Name Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
short_name String Short Name KDD
publisher String Publisher ACM
alias String Alias
url String Official website
type Integer Id in Type Definition 2

Type Definition of Venue

Venue Type Type Id Description
unknown 0 this is just 'unkown' , not 'other', if you know the venue's right type , you may add more type definition
journal 1
conference 2
book 3
thesis 4 master thesis , phd thesis , etc.
technical report 5
encyclopedia 6
magazine 7
newsletter 8
play 9
inproceedings 10
article 11
incollection 12
www 13