
Comments, errata, suggestions, and issues for the book "Text Data Analysis and Management: A Practical Introduction to Text Mining and Information Retrieval"

Text Data Analysis and Management: A Practical Introduction to Text Mining and Information Retrieval

ChengXiang Zhai and Sean Massung, UIUC Computer Science Department

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Recent years have seen a dramatic growth of natural language text data, including web pages, news articles, scientific literature, emails, enterprise documents, and social media such as blog articles, forum posts, product reviews, and tweets. This has led to an increasing demand for powerful software tools to help people analyze and manage vast amounts of text data effectively and efficiently. Unlike data generated by a computer system or sensors, text data are usually generated directly by humans, and are accompanied by semantically rich content. As such, text data are especially valuable for discovering knowledge about human opinions and preferences, in addition to many other kinds of knowledge that we encode in text. In contrast to structured data, which conform to well-defined schemas (thus are relatively easy for computers to handle), text has less explicit structure, requiring computer processing toward understanding of the content encoded in text. The current technology of natural language processing has not yet reached a point to enable a computer to precisely understand natural language text, but a wide range of statistical and heuristic approaches to analysis and management of text data have been developed over the past few decades. They are usually very robust and can be applied to analyze and manage text data in any natural language, and about any topic.

This book provides a systematic introduction to all these approaches, with an emphasis on covering the most useful knowledge and skills required to build a variety of practically useful text information systems. The focus is on text mining applications that can help users analyze patterns in text data to extract and reveal useful knowledge. Information retrieval systems, including search engines and recommender systems, are also covered as supporting technology for text mining applications. The book covers the major concepts, techniques, and ideas in text data mining and information retrieval from a practical viewpoint, and includes many hands-on exercises designed with a companion software toolkit (i.e., MeTA) to help readers learn how to apply techniques of text mining and information retrieval to real-world text data and how to experiment with and improve some of the algorithms for interesting application tasks. The book can be used as a textbook for a computer science undergraduate course or a reference book for practitioners working on relevant problems in analyzing and managing text data.

Part I: Overview and Background

This part provides an overview of the motivation and high-level concepts of the book, and gives readers a roadmap for navigating through the chapters in the later parts. It also includes a background chapter where basic concepts in probability and statistics and natural language processing are introduced so that readers without any knowledge in these areas will have the necessary background to understand the materials later. This part further includes one chapter on the MeTA toolkit, which will be the basis for many exercises later. We use this chapter to introduce the typical architecture of a text mining system, where the search engines will be shown as a basis for supporting text analysis. Readers with sufficient background knowledge about these topics can skip part or all of this section.

  • Introduction (Draft from 4 April 2015)

    • Text data vs structured data
    • Functions of text information systems
    • Conceptual framework for text information systems
    • How to use this book
  • Background (Draft from 19 June 2015)

    • Basics of probability and statistics
    • Basics of natural language processing
    • Statistical language models
    • Exercises
  • MeTA: A Modern Data Sciences Toolkit (Draft from 8 April 2015)

    • Design philosophy
    • Setting up MeTA
    • Architecture
    • Tokenization with MeTA
    • Exercises

Part II: Text Data Access

Text data access is the foundation for text analysis. Text access technology plays two important roles in text analysis and management applications. First, it enables retrieval of the most relevant text data to a particular analysis problem, thus avoiding unnecessary overhead from processing a large amount of non-relevant data. Second, it enables interpretation of any analysis results or discovered knowledge in appropriate context and provides data provenance. The general goal of text data access is to connect users with the right information at the right time. This connection can be done in two ways: pull, where the users take the initiative to fetch relevant information out from the system, and push, where the system takes the initiative to offer relevant information to users. The main technology supporting pull is search engines which are covered in detail in one long chapter. The main technology supporting push is recommender systems, covered in a later chapter.

  • Overview of Text Data Access (Draft from 19 April 2015. This short chapter will most likely be merged into another chapter)

    • Access mode: pull vs push
    • Multimode interactive access
    • Exercises
  • Text Retrieval

    • Overview
    • Text retrieval vs database retrieval
    • Document selection vs document ranking
    • Vector space models
    • Probabilistic retrieval models
    • Feedback
    • Exercises
  • Search Engine Implementation (Draft from 15 May 2015)

    • Tokenizer
    • Indexer
    • Scorer
    • Feedback
    • Compression
    • Caching
    • Exercises
  • Search Engine Evaluation

    • Overview
    • Cranfield evaluation methodology
    • Evaluation of set retrieval
    • Evaluation of a ranked list
    • Evaluation with multi-level judgements
    • Practical issues in evaluation
    • Exercises
  • Web Search Engines

    • Overview
    • Web crawling
    • Web indexing
    • Link analysis
    • Learning to rank
    • Other Web search techniques
    • Exercises
  • Recommender Systems

    • Content-based recommendation
    • Collaborative filtering
    • Hybrid recommender systems
    • Evaluation
    • Applications
    • Exercises

Part III: Text Data Analysis

This part covers a variety of techniques for text data analysis, where the goal is to analyze text data to find interesting semantic patterns and extract useful knowledge. We cover algorithms for four basic text analysis tasks, including text clustering, text categorization, text summarization, and topic analysis, each covered in one chapter. The last chapter of this part takes a broader view of the problem of text analysis by placing it in the context of joint analysis of text and structured data, which is generally needed in an application scenario where we have available both unstructured text data and companion structured data, and would prefer analyzing all the data for solving a particular application problem.

  • Overview of Text Data Analysis

    • Text analysis vs text management
    • Deep analysis vs shallow analysis
    • A conceptual framework for text analytics
  • Text Clustering

    • Overview of clustering techniques
    • Document clustering
    • Term clustering
    • Evaluation
    • Applications
    • Exercises
  • Text Categorization (Draft from 9 June 2015)

    • Overview of text categorization
    • Features for text categorization
    • Classification algorithms
    • Evaluation
    • Exercises
  • Topic Analysis

    • Overview of topic analysis techniques
    • Basic topic models
    • Advanced topic models
    • Evaluation
    • Applications
    • Exercises
  • Text Summarization (Draft from 23 June 2015)

    • Overview of text summarization techniques
    • Extractive text summarization
    • Abstractive text summarization
    • Evaluation
    • Applications
    • Exercises
  • Joint Analysis of Text and Structured Data

    • Context and companion structured data of text
    • Contextualized text analysis
    • Integrated analysis of text and structured data
    • Evaluation
    • Applications
    • Exercises

Part IV: Application System Development with MeTA

This last part of the book discusses how to use MeTA to develop an application system for text analysis and management. It has two chapters. The first is about a unified conceptual framework for integrating text data access and text data analysis and preliminary ideas about how to design an algebra for text analysis with multiple analysis operators that can be combined in a flexible way to support different analysis workflows. The second is a detailed discussion of how different components in MeTA can be combined in interesting ways to support complex analysis workflows; it helps readers learn how to use or adapt MeTA to develop useful text information systems to solve their specific application problems. The last chapter provides information about how people can contribute to the development of MeTA, which we expect to be an ongoing effort with a dedicated website and regular open source releases.

  • A Unified Conceptual Framework for Text Analysis

    • An algebra for text analytics
    • Implementation of analysis operators
    • Workspace management
    • Workflow support and optimization
  • MeTA for Text Analysis and Management

    • Overview of MeTA modules
    • MeTA API
    • Other text analysis and management toolkits
    • Sample applications
  • Contributing to MeTA