
Last Updated: December 21st, 2022

ℹ️ Description

A React site that gives users all the current and past market value for all cryptocurrencies as well as all news related to each!

🧑‍💻 Contributers

Name GitHub Profile
Ryland Adams Pugsly99

⚙️ Technologies Used

💾 Installation Requirements

For Both Mac & Windows systems

To Clone:

  • Open your preferred command line program.
  • Navigate to the location or directory you'd like the project directory to be created in. (e.g., "cd Desktop" if you'd like to clone the project to your desktop)
  • Enter the command "$ git clone" in your command line.

To Download:

  • Navigate to the project repository in your browser.
  • Click the green "Code" button toward the top right of the page.
  • Click "Download ZIP" and extract the files.
  • Open the newly-downloaded project in your preferred code editor.

🖥️ Opening the Project on your Local System

Once the project has been cloned and you have all the necessary items on your local computer, open the project in the application of your choice (Visual Code Studio was used and is recommended by the application builder)

Run the project:

☎️ Support / Contact Details

🐛 Bugs / Issues

Date Error Handled Solution
12/21/2022 Expired API endpoint No PAY TO SUB

©️ License & Copyright

License: MIT

Copyright (c) 2021 Ryland Adams