
A web crawler to scrapping machine information data from Vultr Bare Metal site

Primary LanguageHTML


A web crawler to scrapping machine information data from Vultr Bare Metal and HostGator VPS Hosting sites

Setting up

It is recommended to use a virtual environment to run the project (optional).

  1. Inside the project's root folder, install the project dependencies:
    $ pip install -r requirements.txt

Running the project

To execute this project, you need run the run.py file with at least one of the following arguments:

-h or --help: show the help message and exit

--print: crawler the data and print to screen

--save_json: crawler the data and save the results into json file (machine-webcrawler.json)

--save_csv: crawler the data and save the results into csv file (machine-webcrawler.csv)

  1. If you want crawler the data and print, run:

    $ python run.py --print
  2. If you want crawler the data and save into json file, run:

    $ python run.py --save_json
  3. If you want crawler the data and save into csv file, run:

    $ python run.py --save_csv

Note: You can use two or more arguments together

  1. If you want crawler the data, print and save into json file, run:

    $ python run.py --print --save_json
  2. If you want crawler the data, print and save into csv file, run:

    $ python run.py --print --save_csv
  3. If you want crawler the data, print, save into json file and save into csv file, run:

    $ python run.py --print --save_json --save_csv
  4. If you want crawler the data, save into json file and save into csv file, run:

    $ python run.py --save_json --save_csv

Running tests

To execute the tests, run:

$ python -m unittest -v

If you want to see the test coverage level, run:

$ coverage run -m unittest discover -s tests/ -v
$ coverage report

Note: Currently, this project has 99% code coverage

This project was developed in an environment with Ubuntu 20.04 and Python 3.8.10. But, you can run in any system with Python 3.8.10+