
A comprehensive list of awesome document image rectification papers.

Awesome Document Image Rectification Awesome

A comprehensive list of awesome document image rectification methods based on deep learning.

Table of contents


Year Venue Title Repo Result
2018 CVPR DocUNet: Document Image Unwarping via A Stacked U-Net
2019 TOG Document Rectification and Illumination Correction using a Patch-based CNN* Code
2019 ICCV DewarpNet: Single-Image Document Unwarping With Stacked 3D and 2D Regression Networks Code Link
2020 PR Geometric Rectification of Document Images using Adversarial Gated Unwarping Network
2020 CVPR BEDSR-Net: A Deep Shadow Removal Network From a Single Document Image*
2020 ECCV Can You Read Me Now? Content Aware Rectification using Angle Supervision
2020 DAS Dewarping Document Image by Displacement Flow Estimation with Fully Convolutional Network Code
2020 BMVC Intrinsic Decomposition of Document Images In-the-wild* Code
2021 ACM MM DocTr: Document Image Transformer for Geometric Unwarping and Illumination Correction* Code Link
2021 ICCV End-to-end Piece-wise Unwarping of Document Images Code
2021 ICDAR Document Dewarping with Control Points Code
2022 CVPR Fourier Document Restoration for Robust Document Dewarping and Recognition
2022 CVPR Revisiting Document Image Dewarping by Grid Regularization Link
2022 ACM MM Marior: Margin Removal and Iterative Content Rectification for Document Dewarping in the Wild Link
2022 ACM MM UDoc-GAN: Unpaired Document Illumination Correction with Background Light Prior* Code
2022 SIGGRAPH Learning From Documents in the Wild to Improve Document Unwarping Code Link
2022 ECCV Geometric Representation Learning for Document Image Rectification Code Link
2022 ECCV Learning an Isometric Surface Parameterization for Texture Unwrapping Code
2022 Arxiv DocScanner: Robust Document Image Rectification with Progressive Learning Code Link
2022 ICPR Document Image Rectification in Complex Scene Using Stacked Siamese Networks
2023 Arxiv Geometric Rectification of Creased Document Images based on Isometric Mapping
2023 IJDAR Adaptive Dewarping of Severely Warped Camera-captured Document Images Based on Document Map Generation
2023 TMM Deep Unrestricted Document Image Rectification Code
2023 Arxiv Neural Document Unwarping using Coupled Grids
2023 IJDAR Inv3D: A High-resolution 3D Invoice Dataset for Template-guided Single-image Document Unwarping Code
2023 Arxiv DocAligner: Annotating Real-world Photographic Document Images by Simply Taking Pictures Code
2023 Arxiv MataDoc: Margin and Text Aware Document Dewarping for Arbitrary Boundary
2023 ICCVW Template-guided Illumination Correction for Document Images with Imperfect Geometric Reconstruction Code
2023 ICCV Foreground and Text-lines Aware Document Image Rectification Code
2023 TAI Appearance Enhancement for Camera-captured Document Images in the Wild* Code
2023 ACM TOG Layout-Aware Single-Image Document Flatening Code Link
2023 WACV DocReal: Robust Document Dewarping of Real-Life Images via Attention-Enhanced Control Point Prediction Code
2023 TCSVT Rethinking Supervision in Document Unwarping: A Self-consistent Flow-free Approach
2023 SIGGRAPH UVDoc: Neural Grid-based Document Unwarping Code
2023 Arxiv Polar-Doc: One-Stage Document Dewarping with Multi-Scope Constraints under Polar Representation
  • The results are the rectified images on the DocUNet Benchmark Dataset.
  • The "*" means that the work involves the illumination correction for document images.


Year Venue Title Type Link
2018 CVPR DocUNet: Document Image Unwarping via A Stacked U-Net Real Dataset
2019 TOG Document Rectification and Illumination Correction using a Patch-based CNN Synthetic Dataset
2019 ICCV DewarpNet: Single-Image Document Unwarping With Stacked 3D and 2D Regression Networks Synthetic Dataset
2020 DAS Dewarping Document Image by Displacement Flow Estimation with Fully Convolutional Network Synthetic Dataset
2021 ICDAR Document Dewarping with Control Points Synthetic Dataset
2022 CVPR Fourier Document Restoration for Robust Document Dewarping and Recognition Real Dataset
2022 SIGGRAPH Learning From Documents in the Wild to Improve Document Unwarping Real Dataset
2022 ECCV Geometric Representation Learning for Document Image Rectification Real Dataset
2022 ICBD ADIU: An Antiquarian Document Image Unwarping Dataset Both
2023 IJDAR Adaptive Dewarping of Severely Warped Camera-captured Document Images Based on Document Map Generation Real Dataset
2023 TMM Deep Unrestricted Document Image Rectification Real Dataset
2023 Arxiv Neural Document Unwarping using Coupled Grids Synthetic
2023 Arxiv DocAligner: Annotating Real-world Photographic Document Images by Simply Taking Pictures Real Dataset
2023 IJDAR Inv3D: A High-resolution 3D Invoice Dataset for Template-guided Single-image Document Unwarping Synthetic Dataset


Year Name Host Type
2019 DewarpNet: Single-Image Document Unwarping With Stacked 3D and 2D Regression Networks Online Demo
2021 DocTr: Document Image Transformer for Geometric Unwarping and Illumination Correction huggingface Online Demo
2022 DocGeoNet: Geometric Representation Learning for Document Image Rectification huggingface Online Demo
2022 dewarp textin Online Demo
2023 Deep Unrestricted Document Image Rectification self-hosted Online Demo
2023 Inv3D: GeoTrTemplate & IllTrTemplate self-hosted Online Demo


  • This repository is scheduled to be updated regularly in accordance with schedules of major AI Conferences and Journals.