In Generative AI with Large Language Models (LLMs), you’ll learn the fundamentals of how generative AI works, and how to deploy it in real-world applications.
Jupyter Notebook
- 6chaoranMunich Re
- AadityaDubeyHCL Technologies
- Ahmedzedan0Zeal
- AlkeneSun
- carlos-ruiz-moreno
- codeoxygenKAYA Gloabal
- data-corentinvDecathlon Digital
- DaveBaldwin100
- dikshieKeio University
- doomuch
- dyoung23
- ELITSZORDInstitut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember | Institut Teknologi Bandung | Algoritma Data Science School
- frankwwu
- frusteaSan Fransisco, CA
- HamadKN
- jeffersonchouTCL Multimedia
- linxiaohui
- magomagic
- neythen
- Nghiauet
- ohfloydo
- OzdemirOrcunTilburg, Netherlands
- Peaky8linders
- penguinyou88
- pgurazada
- quantamak
- Rahul-ShedgeEarth
- Ruofei29San Francisco Bay Area
- safarnejad
- sandeep4055
- serg123eFarmy.ch
- sgt
- soheil416
- stoneflUnited States
- vgoklaniNew York, NY
- wangqmshf