Master the Toolkit of AI and Machine Learning. Mathematics for Machine Learning and Data Science is a beginner-friendly Specialization where you’ll learn the fundamental mathematics toolkit of machine learning: calculus, linear algebra, statistics, and probability.
Jupyter Notebook
- AGLendon
- ahmadrifqi07
- banerRanaAutomated It Solutions
- caelumspace
- carlos-ruiz-moreno
- Chaomingcwn
- daniau23Nigeria
- danielcestari-hotmart
- dd123-a
- dikiprawisuda
- dikshieKeio University
- godkingjaySorsogon State University
- hadilu
- HamadKN
- haomailUPN Veteran Jakarta
- hieulvVnKdigi
- i3ahad
- iampramodyadavVaranasi
- ianchen06Seattle, WA
- Koro766
- leifulstrup
- mamingsuper
- mibnrashid
- Moaz-Morsy
- Mubeen-Ul-HassanSoon
- n0vakovic
- NLGRFMaxion Tech Co., Ltd.
- offwitt0egypt
- ripaldo08ripaldo08
- Rudra2198Chicago, Illinois
- snehasanwal
- SpotroseBhopal
- tailornishantIndia
- uco-physics
- ymustafin
- ZzhiterBeihang University