
Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Transcriber is a web app using Google speech-to-text API for transcribing audio files. Transcoding, transcription and database is handled by Cloud functions and Firebase, while React JS is used for the web frontend.

How to use this API

  1. Generate upload url:
curl -H "Content-Type: audio/*" \ 
  1. Upload an audio file
curl -X PUT --data-binary @$FILE_PATH \
    -H "Content-Type: audio/*" \
  1. Transcribe: curl https://<region>-<project-id>.cloudfunctions.net/swagger
  2. Export transcriptions: curl https://<region>-<project-id>.cloudfunctions.net/swagger

Tech overview

Set up

  • Create a Firebase project
  • Turn on the Firestore database and Storage. -- TODO how to do this? Prefer cli/.sh -- TODO enable security for generating uploadUrl
  • Copy [.firebaserc_sample] to .firebaserc
  • Edit .firebaserc with the name of your Firebase project.
  • Install the Firebase CLI: npm install -g firebase-tools

Firebase Storage

  • Use the default bucket in Firebase Storage, or create a new one TODO how to define default bucket in config

Deploy environment variables

set up environment variables with the name of the bucket you just created, along with your Google Analytics account ID:

> firebase functions:config:set \
bucket.name="name-of-bucket" \

Enable Google Speech


cd functions firebase functions:config:set bucket.name=transcribe-baardl


Create a .env file in the test folder with the following attributes:

FIREBASE_UPLOADS_BUCKET = name-of-uploads-bucket
FIREBASE_TRANSCODED_BUCKET = name-of-transcoded-bucket



> firebase functions:config:set \
analytics.account_id="UA-XXXXXX-XX" \
bucket.name="name-of-bucket" \
sendgrid.apikey="api key" \
sendgrid.email="you@email.com" \
sendgrid.name="Your name" \

Deploy code

TODO From which directory?

cd functions
npm run deploy


firebase deploy


TODO eg curl https://<region>-<project-id>.cloudfunctions.net/health

API Documentation

TODO Use Swagger curl https://<region>-<project-id>.cloudfunctions.net/swagger

Google Analytics

Exceptions are logged.


Custom dimensions
  • cd1: Language codes
  • cd2: Original MIME type
  • cd3: Industry NAICS code of audio
  • cd4: Interaction type
  • cd5: Microphone distance
  • cd6: Original media type
  • cd7: Recording device name
  • cd8: Recording device type
Custom metrics
  • cm1: Number of audio topic words
  • cm2: Number of speech contexts phrases
  • cm3: Audio duration
  • cm4: Number of words
  • cm5: Transcoding duration
  • cm6: Transcribing duration
  • cm7: Saving duration
  • cm8: Process duration (transcoding + transcribing + saving)
  • cm9: Confidence
Category Action Label Value
transcription transcoded transcript id
transcription transcribed transcript id
transcription saved transcript id
transcription done transcript id audio duration
api authorization idtoken token
api authorization customtoken token
User timings
  • transcription → transcoding
  • transcription → transcribing
  • transcription → saving


Category Action Label
transcript exported [type]
transcript deleted step
email transcription done transcript id