Test hashFiles Filter Pattern Patching

On GitHub Actions, hashFiles uses pattern matching. However, the pattern matching doesn't always behave as expected. The pattern [0-9]+ does not seem to match "one or more digits" as one might expect.

Per the documentation for hashFiles and filter patterns:

  • +: Matches one or more of the preceding character.
  • [] Matches one character listed in the brackets or included in ranges. Ranges can only include a-z, A-Z, and 0-9. For example, the range [0-9a-z] matches any digit or lowercase letter. For example, [CB]at matches Cat or Bat and [1-2]00 matches 100 and 200.

One might expect the pattern ABCDE-[0-9]+.txt to match a file named ABCDE-12345.txt. However, this repo demonstrates that it will not.

More verbose debugging can be done by enabling step debug logging.