
Adds missing library covers for new steam UI

Primary LanguagePython

Steam Missing Cover Downloader

Downloads missing portrait covers in your library for steam beta. Covers downloaded from steamgriddb.com

Getting Started


Python 3.7+

Libraries: *BeautifulSoup *aiohttp *steam Note: steam 1.0.0alpha required, PyPI only has 0.9.1 Install using the following command:

pip install git+https://github.com/ValvePython/steam#egg=steam


python missing_cover_downloader.py

Update History

1.0.0 *Initial release

1.2.0 *Add support to read data from local appcache. *Fixed an issue that steamgriddb stopped returning correct covers *Added Mac support (Thanks to UKMeng)

1.5.0 *Significantly imporves performance using asychronous requests *Refactored code *Added Linux support (Thanks to KrystianoXPL) *Fixed a bug that some games in library are not returned. *Fixed a bug that games in appcache but not in game library are returned.