
CIP95 Cardano DApp Wallet Connector - example code

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

CIP-95 Cardano DApp Wallet Connector

Currently corresponding CIP-95 commit: 6153866.

Tag CIP-95 Commit Feature Details demos Wallet Tag Deployed Currently?
1.6.0 6153866 Here 1.6.0+ No
1.6.1 6153866 Here 1.6.0+ No
1.6.2 6153866 Here 1.6.0+ No
1.6.3 6153866 Here 1.6.0+ No
1.6.4 6153866 Here 1.6.0+ Yes

CIP-95/Conway Features Supported Notes

See CHANGELOG.md for feature details on older tags.


  • Added Treasury donations
  • Added Treasury values
  • Fixed linking previous governance actions
  • Added MIR certificate
  • Added genesis certificate

1.7.0 (In progress)

  • signData
  • refactor

To Develop

Start Dev Env

  1. Install modules
sudo npm install
  1. Try to start
sudo npm start

This should launch a local dev environment at http://localhost:3000.

To Deploy

  1. Change the "homepage" field in package.json to your repo.

  2. Deploy to github pages

sudo npm run deploy

Live Demo

A demo showcasing all functionalities of the wallet connector:
