
Topic is Triskaidekaphobia


AGPL version 3 or Later. See LICENSES.

== I'm Using GitHub Under Protest ==

This project is currently hosted on GitHub. This is not ideal; GitHub is a proprietary, trade-secret system that is not Free and Open Souce Software (FOSS). I am deeply concerned about using a proprietary system like GitHub to develop my FOSS project. I urge you to read about the Give up GitHub campaign from the Software Freedom Conservancy to understand some of the reasons why GitHub is not a good place to host FOSS projects.

Any use of this project's code by GitHub Copilot, past or present, is done without my permission. I do not consent to GitHub's use of this project's code in Copilot.

Find the non-mirrored source on my Forgejo.

Logo of the GiveUpGitHub campaign