
Minimalistic template engine for composing DRY HTML and SVG.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Isomorphic template engine for composing DRY HTML and SVG.

Key features

  • Safety — runtime is done via Angular expressions engine (which is considered safe),

  • Intuitive — extremely simple, yet enormously powerful

  • IDE-friendly — templates are based on custom HTML tags, so you don't have to install code highlighters

  • Performance — once compiled the templates can be cached to provide light-speed rendering

  • Flexible — template loading is abstracted from file system: it is easy to implement custom loading (e.g. from database or network)

  • Asynchronous compiler — no fs.readFileSyncs (hello, Jade!)

Nanotemplates are best suited for HTML and SVG, but you can use them to render virtually any text.

Since v.0.5.0 Nanotemplates also work perfectly in browsers, resolving bundled templates from script tags.


// Configure renderer instance
var nano = require('nanotemplates')({
  basedir: 'templates/directory'

// Render file
nano.render('path/to/template.html', { data: 'values' }, function(err, html) {
  // ...

// Compile into reusable template
nano.compile('path/to/template.html', function(err, fn) {
  // ...
  fn({ data: 'values' });

Templates are resolved relatively to basedir. Paths inside include tags are relative to their call site (e.g. including ../layout.html from templates/users/index.html will include templates/layout.html).

Referencing templates outside basedir is not allowed.

Compiling and rendering

Like with almost every other template engines, Nanotemplates are processed in two phases:

  • compiling involves loading files, parsing them, processing compile-time stuff and generating a reusable template function;

  • rendering involves invoking the template function with data object

Once template function is compiled it can be invoked with different data objects. It is generally a good practice to cache compiled functions in production to speed things up.

Templates Syntax — Static Constructs

Following features are processed statically (at compile time).


One file can be included into another one with <include file="path/to/file"/>.

Paths that start with / are relative to basedir, all other paths are relative to the file where they are used.

Simple includes are useful for reusing fragments.

Includes are processed statically, so there is currently no support for dynamic values in paths (sorry about that).



<!doctype html>
    <include file='header.html'/>


<header>Hello World!</header>

Rendered index.html:

<!doctype html>
    <header>Hello World!</header>

Layouts, blocks, definitions

More complex template composition scenarios involve reusing of layouts (abstract markup that defines document structure) and components (self-contained markup with parameters).

These scenarios can be implemented by using includes together with blocks — named placeholders for actual content. Blocks can be declared anywhere using <block:block_name> tag, they can also contain arbitrary default content.

Concrete pages provide block definitions using <def:block_name> inside <include> tags. Each definition is local to its include (and its descendants) but is not "visible" to siblings.



<!doctype html>


<include file='layout.html'>

    <h1>Hello World!</h1>


Rendered index.html:

<!doctype html>
    <h1>Hello World!</h1>

More complex example

It is often convenient to inherit layouts. Consider the following example (based on the previous one).


<include file='../layout.html'>

      <a href='/'>Back to home</a>



<include file='layout.html'>



Rendered users/list.html:

<!doctype html>
      <a href='/'>Back to home</a>

You see, users/layout.html provides partial definition for content by defining another block (with the same name). In fact, the result is quite intuitive if you follow the templates code "inside-out" (users/list.html -> users/layout.html -> layout.html).

Inline file

Use <inline file="some/file"/> to include the contents of specified file "as is".

Unline includes, inlined files are not compiled (so blocks and definitions are not supported).

By default, the contents of inlined file will be HTML-escaped to prevent XSS (i.e. < are replaced with &lt;, '&' with '&', etc.). To disable escaping type ! at the start of file path <inline file="!path/to/file"/>.

Template Syntax — Dynamic Constructs

Following features involve working with template data (at the render phase).

Most dynamic constructs are scoped, i.e. variables defined in inner tags are not visible outside.


Expressions are used to access and modify data provided at the rendering phase.

Expressions are parsed with Angular Expressions which currently represent the safest way to execute simple JavaScript statements while disallowing access to potentially harmful constructs like eval or Function.

Also, Angular expressions are awesome, because they are forgiving to nulls and undefined variables.


Expressions like #{user.name || 'Anonymous'} are evaluated at rendering phase and their results are included into the rendered templates. In the example above user may not exist, or may not have name property — in both cases the "Anonymous" will be rendered.


Expressions in #{expr} are HTML-escaped (i.e. < are replaced with &lt;, & — with &amp;, etc.) To avoid escaping use !{expr} syntax.

Variable Assignment

Use <var:myVar>expr</var:myVar> to define myVar variable with value equal to the result of expr evaluation.

Variables defined on "top-level" scope are bound directly to data object, but variables from inner scopes do not leak outside.

If Statement

Conditional statements are implemented like this:

  <when expr="!friends">
    <p>You have no friends.</p>
  <when expr="friends == 1">
    <p>You have one friend.</p>
  <when expr="friends > 1 && friends < 5">
    <p>You have a few friends.</p>
    <p>You have #{friends} friends.</p>

Simple single-expression ifs are also supported:

<if expr='happy'>Yay!</if>

Case Statement

Case statements resemble regular switch-case, but allow matching non-declarative conditions:

<case:e expr="friends">
  <when expr="1">
    <p>You have one friend.</p>
  <when expr="e > 1 && e <= 5">
    <p>You have a few friends.</p>
  <when expr="e > 5">
    <p>You have a #{e} friends.</p>
    <p>You have no friends.</p>

In this example friends expression is evaluated and becomes accessible as local variable e.

Each Statement

To iterate over collections (arrays or objects) use <each:varName in="collection">....

Each with Array

Let's say your data looks like this:

  users: [
    { name: 'Alice' },
    { name: 'Joe' },
    { name: 'Jane' }

And your template like this:

  <each:user in="users">
    <li>#{user_index}: #{user.name}</li>

Here's what will be rendered:

  <li>0: Alice</li>
  <li>1: Joe</li>
  <li>2: Jane</li>

There you define the user variable which will hold the value on each iteration.

Some additional variables become available inside <each:user> scope:

  • user_index — zero-based index of current element;
  • user_last — boolean indicating whether current element is the last one;
  • user_has_next — same as !user_last

Each with Object

Let's say your data looks like this:

  users: {
    alice: 'Alice',
    bob: 'Bob'

And your template like this:

  <each:user in="users">
    <li>#{user_key}: #{user}</li>

Here's what will be rendered:

  <li>alice: Alice</li>
  <li>bob: Bob</li>

Again, user variable holds the value on each iteration. Keys are always sorted in alphabetical order.

Some additional variables become available inside <each:user> scope:

  • user_key — key of current element;
  • user_last — boolean indicating whether current element is the last one;
  • user_has_next — same as !user_last

Template Loading

Although it may seem that Nanotemplates heavily depend on file system, the engine itself is abstracted.


A PegJS grammar is available.

Notes on compilation

Tags like include, inline, block, def, append, prepend, etc. are compiled statically. This means no support for dynamic includes (sorry), but OTOH you can cache statically compiled functions for rendering same templates with different data almost at the light speed.

Compilation is done like this:

  • AST nodes are visited recursively with _process_<nodetype> methods;
  • each method returns a string statement (code);
  • you can use stuff from runtime.js in statements (but not in templates themselves);
  • buffered statements (the ones that actually spit content) look like out.push(something);
  • expressions are compiled via Angular Expressions library, each expression is pushed into an array and becomes available inside code via $$[<index>];
  • locals object is the data you provide to compiled function at rendering stage;
  • every scope-sensitive code is wrapped into a function, which copies locals object;
  • all statements are simply joined with semicolon and are wrapped into function(locals) { }


There are lots of template engines for Node.js, both simple and immense.

Just like you we hate reinventing the wheels. However, we started this project, because, apparently, no template engine out there can simultaneously meet three following conditions:

  • does not allow arbitrary JavaScript execution like for (;;) { }, so that it could be used by untrusted users;
  • is flexible enough to write almost any app you could think of (i.e. supports includes, layouts, scoping, etc, etc, etc);
  • provides abstraction layer over file system (e.g. to be able to load templates from database or via network)

We hope that Nanotemplates are what you are expecting them to be.


We're glad you asked!

Ultimately the best way to contribute to the project is to try it out and share your opinion. Feel free to fire issues and send pull requests.


Copyright (C) 2015 Boris Okunskiy boris@okunskiy.name (ISC license)

Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.