A simple site to act as a renderer for modelviewer for roam-research
In order to use this most effectively please utilize the following smartblock here. You will need the SmartBlocks extension to use it.
Status in the Smartblock Store: Available
The syntax for the website should you choose to use it independently is
{{iframe-component: https://ryxai.github.io/roam-model-render/ | **URL**,height,width,graph}}
Where the variables use the following structure:
- Height: pixels
- Width: pixels
- Graph: Either Yes or No, represents whether the url is from a file uploaded to your roam graph (has a firebase url).
{{iframe-component: https://ryxai.github.io/roam-model-render/ | https://modelviewer.devshared-assets/models/NeilArmstrong.glb,300,300,No}}