Starter project template
🤠⚛️ Dockerized hybrid Django React app
Starter project template using Docker to build a Django app that serves React apps statically (as JavaScript files)
Tech stack
- Django (with Rest framework, PostgreSQL, SMTP gmail backend, whitenoise, etc.)
- React (bundled with webpack and transpiled with babel)
- Docker
- Deployment to Heroku
- Docker
- pip, poetry, pyenv or a similar tool to access pypi
Install with the following command
pip install hybrid-django-react
Run the scripts with the following command:
You will be prompted for some information like project name, email, etc. This data is needed to change the configuration files accordingly
After the script has run, you don't need this tool anymore 😀
Simply start the docker container to start working:
docker-compose up -d
You can then work as usual on your Django project.
The entry point of the React render can be edited from the file frontend/index.js
Debugging with Docker and VSCode
Support for debugging remotely with VSCode is supported out-of-the-box.
To debug with Docker:
Run your Docker containers as usual:
docker-compose up -d --build
Start the debug session from VS Code for the
[django:docker] runserver
configuration (either from the Debugger menu or withF5
)- Logs will redirect to your integrated terminal as well.
Set some breakpoints in functions or methods executed when needed. Usually it's Model methods or View functions
Adding external libraries
It's better to install external libraries from from Docker directly
Python libraries:
- Production libraries
docker-compose exec web poetry add [pip_package]
- Development libraries
docker-compose exec web poetry add [pip_package] --dev
JavaScript libraries:
- Production libraries
docker-compose exec web npm install [npm_package]
- Development libraries
docker-compose exec web npm install -D [npm_package]
Deploy to Heroku
First setup
- Create an account and install Heroku CLI
- Create a new app on Heroku
Your app will get a randomly generated name, like lazy-beyond-52146. Let's call this name [APP_NAME]
heroku create
- Add environment variables that Django needs to read:
heroku config:set DJANGO_ENVIRONMENT=production
You can create a safe secret key using this site
heroku config:set DJANGO_SECRET_KEY=[secret_key]
heroku config:set DJANGO_DEBUG=False
- Set the stack to Docker containers using the app's name
heroku stack:setcontainer -a [APP_NAME]
- Create a managed postgresql database on Heroku
heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev -a [APP_NAME]
- Create a heroku remote repository and push changes to it
heroku git:remote -a [APP_NAME] git push heroku main
- Migrate Database and create superuser
heroku run python migrate heroku run python createsuperuser
- After deployment, check that the site's security audit shows no warnings
Consecutive deployments to production
Deploy by pushing to Heroku git repository:
git push heroku main