
The objective of this project is to demonstrate the use of Artificial Neural Networks in predicting the compressive strength of concrete.

Primary LanguageR

1. Introduction

Estimating the strength of concrete can help in developing safety guidelines governing the use in the construction of buildings. In the current project I have tried to create a model that can accurately predict the concrete strength given the composition of input materials. To do so, I have tried to replicate I-Cheng Yeh’s data and results using a simple neural network model in R.

2. Data Collection

URL : http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml

Further Information : Modeling of strength of high performance concrete using artifiial neural networks. Cement and Concrete Research. 1998; 28:1797-1808.

3. Summary

By deploying a very simple Neural Network model I was able to replicate the accuracy reported by Yeh in his paper. This demonstrates the applicability and ease with which neural networks can showcase high performance. To optimize, I had used varied degree of threshold and hidden layers and achieved a correlation of 0.82745.