This is currated collection of styles and components to allow you to quickly create high quality webpages and apps.
One needs to have these installed first:
- node
- npm
- ruby
$ make install
$ make start
$ make
The js is just for the styleguide itself. All shared javascript will be published as private npm modules. Every project using the styleguide will use browserify to require only what the project needs.
We are basing this initially on Basscss is a lightweight collection of base element styles, utilities, layout modules, and color styles designed for speed, performance, and scalability.
We will modify it to suite our needs. The tradeoffs we are embraceing are:
- Minimalistic OOCSS which means lots of class names per element
- Speed is prioritized highest as designs will be done in the browser
- Sacrificing semantics and higher reusability
- Speed is prioritized for the viewer as well by not including lots of unused css
- Creating a new component should 95% of the time not require new css
- All updates are versioned with git tags: a project will freeze to a git tag directly
- All component updates are documented in the CHANGELOG by version
- Assets are linked directly from a CDN with url including it's version
Simply run make urls
and grab whatever you need, already served from the CDN
There might be an upgrade script that will scan and find updated components and instruct how to upgrade and what changed.