Lucid: A Non-Intrusive, Scalable and Interpretable Scheduler for Deep Learning Training Jobs
- byungsoo-ohCornell University
- charstalHangZhou, China
- cycloidzzz
- d-sun-csHITSZ
- flyflypengHuawei
- guaguastandupUSTC
- henls
- hex108Tencent
- HHTheBestSun Yat-sen University
- hogura99Tsinghua University
- James-QiuHaoranMicrosoft Azure Research @microsoft
- JoeyYoungThe University of HongKong
- kqyhappySoutheast University
- kurisusnowdengBeijing, China
- KylinCTsinghua University
- Lai-JX
- learning-chip
- littleheuer
- loveofguokeZJU
- LuoYZ1028
- mhqmhyUniversity of Science and Technology of China
- MondayChaIntern at Xiaohongshu Inc.
- niconicalSoutheast University
- QAZASDEDCSun Yat-sen University
- rainy2kUniversity of Science and Technology
- Raphael-HaoShanghai Jiao Tong University
- siyue-zhangSingapore
- TweakzxInstitute of Computing Technology
- VincentXWDHKU
- voidxb
- wangxionghome
- whoismanojNanyang Technological University
- WilliamYangXuSchool of Industrial Engineering, Purdue University
- xlcbingo1999Sun Yat-sen University
- XrosLiang
- yareCandyChina