S-Mann's Following
- ac-custom-shaders-patch
- artempyanykhMeta
- benvallack
- BruceEckelhttps://www.mindviewllc.com/
- carloscuesta@n26
- davidphilipbarr
- douglascrockfordVirgule-Solidus
- duckybNet7
- dylanbeattie@ursatile
- giorgiozoppiLimerick, Ireland
- IBMArmonk, New York, U.S.
- jhcloos
- joe-scottoScottoKeebs
- johnpapaJohnPapa.net, LLC
- KiCad
- lattnerBay Area, California, USA
- leiosLeiosOS
- lemireUniversité du Québec (TELUQ)
- mame@heyinc
- mike-kfedSwitzerland
- momtrHTL Spengergasse
- nedbat2U/edX
- rexim@rexim
- rhettingerMutable Minds, Inc.
- romitaglIreland
- sadekbaroudi
- samaaronUniversity of Cambridge
- Sharathmk99General Motors
- the-via
- ThePrimeagenCEO Of TheStartup
- tsoding
- typicode
- VonCFrance
- wardbellIdeaBlade
- yuzu-emu
- yuzu-mirror