Hello Friend, I'm Nathan!


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Developer in Residence at DigitalCrafts

Hi 🙋‍♂️,

I'm a Full-Stack Developer who attended DigitalCrafts of Houston and am currently A developer in residence at DigitalCrafts. Mr. Azam was my awesome instructor, you may know him from his courses on Udemy! I have a praticular interest in all things code and am dedicated to being a life long learner learning the most cutting edge and in demand skills and stacks!

  • 🌱 I am dedicated to being a Life-Long Learner, and enjoy learning new things.

  • 👯🔭 I’m looking to collaborate on an awesome app to better the world!

  • For Fun: I love camping, building android roms, my cats, fishing, and para-surfing.

const nathan = {
    pronouns: "He" | "Him",
    code: ["Javascript", "Typescript", "Python", "HTML5", "CSS3", "Java", "php"],
    askMeAbout: ["Web Development", "Tech", "App Development", "Linux", "Cyber-Security"],
    technologies: {
        mobileApp: ["Android App"],
        frontEnd: {
            js: ["React", "Vue"],
            css: ["Materialize", "Vuetify", "Bootstrap"]
        backEnd: {
            js: ["node", "express", "SuiteScript"],
            python: ["flask"]
        devOps: ["Google Play Developer", "AWS", "Docker🐳", "Google-Cloud-Platform"],
        databases: ["PostgreSQL", "MySql", "sqlite"],
        misc: ["Firebase", "Socket.IO", "Selenium", "Heroku","Netlify", "Surge.sh"]
    architecture: ["Progressive web applications", "Serverless Architecture", "Mobile Apps", "Single page applications"],
    currentProject: "I am currently working on a learning-managment/social-media app for a local school district",
    funFact: "The reigning hide and seek champion continues to be... ';' "

Github Stats By Anurag 1

- Languages and Tools...

html css3 js bootstrap sass react nodejs npm python angular csharp jquery vue security aws google_cloud_platform bash vmware docker android_studio

- Blogs 🌱

Under construction with many new features!

Thank You For Visiting!-🙏🏼