Silverthread Designs Inventory and Sales Management System

Silverthread Inventory Management solves the problems of Microsoft Excel. We attempted to make our app much easier to input, edit, delete, or just simply view information related to our client's silversmithing business.


One of our team members, Shannel, wanted to make a real world project for her Capstone Project at our coding bootcamp. She asked around and heard from a friend that she had once bought inventory management software for her silversmithing business, but did not like using it so she continued to just use Microsoft Excel spreadsheets to log all of her inventory. Our hope is to come up with an app that allows her to do everything she did before but make it so her calculations for pricing are done automatically, her new material inputs affect the pricing of products, display information on better looking and more usuable charts, and display important sales information to her with infographics. She also did not always log her sales, so our hope is that she will be able to take advantage of our app to do so.


  • Login/Logout for protecting data and routes
  • Log Sales, affecting stock numbers
  • Add Materials and information regarding them (size, amount, vendor product IDs, etc.)
  • Add product types and inventory
  • Price calculations for products based on formula given by client
  • Infographics shouwing useful sales information to client

Challenges we ran into

This was our first time meeting the "demands" of a client or at least making something for an actual person rather than a hypothetical one. It was always a concern in our minds to make something that is useful for our client.


Silverthread Inventory Management uses a number of powerful JS libraries and tools:

Client Side:

* Deployed using Surge
* React
* Redux
* React Router DOM 
* Redux toolkit
* Material UI
* Material Table
* Victory
* Date-io
* d3-scale-chromatic
* File Saver
* JSON Web Token 

Server Side:

* ElephantSQL Server
* Deployed using Heroku
* Node
* Express
* Express Sessions
* Sequelize
* bcrypt JS

Github Links
