RCT abstract analyser

Project abstract

For the past two decades, Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) have been widely considered the gold standard for gathering unbiased evidence to support critical decisionmaking in the biomedical industry. However, manually extracting and tabulating information from RCT study publications is a time-consuming and costly process. To address this problem, this study aims to utilise the latest state-of-the-art NLP machine learning architecture - transformer-based language representations - to develop an NLP pipeline that can automatically generate critical evidence tabulations of given RCT paper abstracts. We utilised a combination of distantly-supervised and fully-supervised learning approaches to collect the dataset for training and evaluating our natural language processing modules. The evaluation results show high system performance across all units within the pipeline, demonstrating that automation of the evidence tabulation procedure for systematic reviews of RCT studies is feasible with modern NLP technologies.

Getting started

We recommend using Python 3.9 for installing all dependencies and running the application.

Install into a fresh virtual environment by:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Please note that if you wish to utilize the GPU for training and evaluation, you will need to install the torch package with CUDA following the tutorial on PyTorch website.

All models fine-tuned and used in this project are available in this google drive link, after downloading, please make sure the models folder is placed in the root directory of the project.

Running the applications

Please invoke all following commands in the root directory of the project.

To launch the demo user interface, run by:

streamlit run .\src\interface.py

The web app will then be automatically opened in your default web browser.
However, if you wish to open it in your browser of choice, start by typing in the following URL and press enter:


To run the CLI tabulation script, run by:

python .\src\tabulate.py

An example input file to the CLI script input.csv is provided in the input folder.
By default, output of the CLI script will be named as output.csv and saved in the output folder.

Model training and evaluation

To run the classification dataset collection and annotation script, run by:

python .\src\classifier_dataset_collection.py

A stable internet connection is needed for this script to run. A usual run of this script will take around 5-10 minutes to complete due to the large amount of requests sent to PubMed. Collected datasets for training participant and section classifier models will be saved in the datasets folder, under participant classifier datasets and section classifier datasets respectively.

To train the NER model, this project utilised a manually annotated dataset introduced by study RCT-ART. The dataset is available in the corresponding github repository. We have provided a copy of the dataset in the datasets folder, under NER datasets with the filename RCT_ART_NER.jsonl.
To prepare the NER dataset for training, run by:

python .\src\preprocess_ner_dataset.py

The script will generate two files train_NER_dataset.json and test_NER_dataset.json under NER datasets for training and evaluation respectively.

To train the participant classifier model, run by:

python .\src\train_participant_classifier.py

To train the section classifier model, run by:

python .\src\train_section_classifier.py

To train the NER model, run by:

python .\src\train_ner.py

Corresponding trained models will be saved under models folder.

To evaluate the participant classifier model, run by:

python .\src\evaluate_participant_classifier.py

To evaluate the section classifier model, run by:

python .\src\evaluate_section_classifier.py

To evaluate the NER model, run by:

python .\src\evaluate_ner.py