
App modern - experience your ultimate mobile application 📱

Primary LanguageTypeScript


A production level design, modern SaaS app landing page

Tech Stack

  • React Js
  • Typescript
  • Styled Components
  • React Testing Library

I chose typescript because i wanted a challenge and i would like to improve my typescript skill set, styled-components beacuse i love it and react testing library because it comes shipped with create-react-app.


I went with the mobile first approach when building this project. The figma file came only with the desktop version , so i had to make the mobile version myself. I used flexbox or grid for most of the layouts. I made a data array so i can map through it and display content, for most of the repeated sections.


I hard coded some things like the title and subtitle, i could have easily made them into a component because it is repeated throught the page. I also could have written more tests for the other components.