
Node.js samples for Google Cloud Platform products.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

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Google Cloud Platform Node.js Samples Slack

Node.js samples for Google Cloud Platform products.

See cloud.google.com/nodejs to get up and running with Node.js on Google Cloud Platform.



  1. Install Node.js version 10 or greater

  2. Clone this repository:

     git clone https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/nodejs-docs-samples.git
  3. Obtain authentication credentials.

    Create local credentials by running the following command and following the oauth2 flow (read more about the command here):

     gcloud auth application-default login

    Read more about Google Cloud Platform Authentication.

How to run a sample

  1. Change directory to one of the sample folders, e.g. datastore:

     cd datastore/
  2. Install the sample's dependencies (see the sample's README for details):

     npm install
  3. Run the sample:

     node sample_file.js [args]...

Other sample applications

Bookshelf tutorial app

The Bookshelf app is a sample web app written in Node.js that shows you how to use a variety of Google Cloud Platform features.

View the tutorial or the source code.


Contributions welcome! See the Contributing Guide.