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- Tuesdays and Thursdays 2:30pm @ MPCR Lab Sandbox
"Recitation classes are supplementary sessions led by teaching assistants or instructors that reinforce lecture material through exercises, discussions, and clarifications."
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- Sign up for Latex
Alexnet Filters and Feature Maps
Problem Set 1 (solutions)
- Load MNIST and show montage
- Run random y=mx model on MNIST
- Train random walk model to at least 75%
- Create .md markdown report and post to github
- Load RGB image from URL
- Resize image
- Show grayscale copy
- Convolve with 10 random filters and show filters and features maps for each
- Create .md markdown report and post to github
- Teach me numpy
- Teach me matplotlib
- How do I make a random grayscale image and show it in matplotlib?
- Code to plot y=mx+b in python
- How does indexing work in numpy?
- Compressed Sensing
- Extreme Learning Machine
- Reservoir Computer
- Finetune Flowers 102 on Image Transformer